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PayPal, unhandled scenario, issue?


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Hello IPS,

I experience and issue with PayPal payments where specific scenario may be not handled properly. My report requires sensitive data to be provided so please tell me a way I can give it to you. @Marc Stridgen you can use what i already sent you.

The issue I describe now started happening after upgrade of PayPal API you had within last few maintenance updates.

1. Payer process a payment

2. Payment is refused on Commerce side, transaction gets following status:

Payer cannot pay for this transaction. Please contact the payer to find other way to pay for this transaction.

The transaction received payment reference from PayPal, that means payment was processed on their end. BTW, what the error really means? it is very general and does not tell about real reason why Payer could not pay.

The transaction is authorized on PayPal end but by some reason it requires me to perform manual action, either cancel or claim the money.

Not sure why it happens randomly to random buyers.

5. Now, even I claim the money the associated transaction/invoice will not be marked as paid/processed. Will have to manually handle that.

Notes: in Commerce, I do not see any pending transactions requiring action. It is possible this is some sort of not well handled case? because transaction wasn't really refused. Shouldn't this be located under tab of transactions requiring manual action?


Edited by PatrickRQ
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