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New members go straight to Choose Subscription

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For some reason (That I obviously do not understand) when I create a new member on my site it takes them straight to the "choose a subscription" page?


I have created a new member with a new name and an email address and assigned them to a group.  Then when I try to log in as them or they log in the site takes them straight to the Choose a Subscription page. 

I know there is a setting somewhere among the 10,000 settings.  Could someone tell me how to turn that off?

Thank you!


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If you have marked in ACP -> Commerce -> Subscriptions -> Subscription Plans -> Settings -> Require Subscription Purchase? Then this would be working as intended, you would need to have the user purchase a plan before moving forward. 

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How do I stop this?

I just created a new member.  I gave him a group.  Set up the email and when I try to log in as this new member it takes me to a page asking "Choose Subscription"  I have one subscription and that is called the Registered Guest.  Free for 1 year.  That is the only subscription I have.  Why is it forcing a new member that I have created to choose a subscription when I have already assigned them to a group?

And what do I do with all those who have already signed up for the registered guest subscription?  Cause  cant just delete that..


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9 minutes ago, Jim M said:

ACP -> Commerce -> Subscriptions -> Subscription Plans -> Settings -> Require Subscription Purchase?

Check this setting I mentioned. Do you only have 1 total subscription? If so, I would just remove it if it's free. You're complicating your system for no gain.

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O M G this makes my head hurt.

Could contain: Page, Text

Users will still be charged but will not be moved back into their original group if they let their subscription expire.  WHAT...  Why would you charge them if they let their subscription expire?  and then there is only one subscription plan so there is noting to move them too?  Since there is only one subscription plan then THIS IS the original group. 

This is the kind of help stuff that just spins me around in my chair.  WTH does this mean?  Now I have no idea what to do.  No options to move anyone.

What happens to the 66 people who have signed up for the free subscription?  And how do I get people to register as a guest on the site.  I ahve memberships available in the store so I never needed the subscription thing.  I think I set it up because I had no other way to get people to register.


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12 minutes ago, CaptJeff said:

O M G this makes my head hurt.

Could contain: Page, Text

Users will still be charged but will not be moved back into their original group if they let their subscription expire.  WHAT...  Why would you charge them if they let their subscription expire?  and then there is only one subscription plan so there is noting to move them too?  Since there is only one subscription plan then THIS IS the original group. 

This is the kind of help stuff that just spins me around in my chair.  WTH does this mean?  Now I have no idea what to do.  No options to move anyone.

As you are not charging them, you can ignore that and just click delete. 

12 minutes ago, CaptJeff said:

What happens to the 66 people who have signed up for the free subscription?  And how do I get people to register as a guest on the site.  I ahve memberships available in the store so I never needed the subscription thing.  I think I set it up because I had no other way to get people to register.


They would click register on your community and join. You really only need subscriptions if you have subscriber tiers you are charging for.

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3 minutes ago, Jim M said:

They would click register on your community and join. You really only need subscriptions if you have subscriber tiers you are charging for

??  How?  When they try to log in?  Where do they click "Register"?  I have membership groups.  Each group has different privileges.  The groups have different pricing and there are memberships in my store.  That was how I did it before this subscription thing.

I have memberships in the store so I don't need subscriptions at all but..  I had a free membership for a year called the Registered Guest.  This allowed someone to see a little more of the site than just a visitor or guest.  But I do not know how to set that back up.  I believe that when the subscription thing came out it eliminated the ability to register for a membership in my store.

That is what I want to get back to.  The subscription thing messes up too many things.

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1 minute ago, CaptJeff said:

??  How?  When they try to log in?  Where do they click "Register"?  I have membership groups.  Each group has different privileges.  The groups have different pricing and there are memberships in my store.  That was how I did it before this subscription thing.

If you're using Products, you would enable the requirement in there to force a purchase. This can be done through ACP -> Commerce -> Store -> Settings -> Purchase Settings -> Force users to make a purchase when registering?

You would then enable "Show on registration form?" while editing your Product.

Once all that is setup, when a user clicks "Register" on your community, they would have to select a Product.

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OK,  I turned off the subscriptions thing.  Then I went to the front end and signed up.  I clicked on the signup without purchasing and it took me to a registration form with a signup question.  Apparently I set that up before.  when I registered and validated the email it made me a member.  So I went into the settings for the Member group but I am unable to change the settings.

Not sure what is going on.


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Never mind,  It has been so long I do not remember how this stuff works so I am just stumbling around.  Disregard my rants.  Understanding all this stuff was read difficult before my stroke, now trying to comprehend what the instructions are trying to explain is even harder.  Even simple things for other are difficult for me to understand.

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12 minutes ago, Jim M said:

Glad to hear you figured it out 🙂

LOL.  Never said that.  I am still trying to figure out how to make things work the way I want them to.  Currently if someone joins the community they become a "Member"  I do not know how to control what they become.

I have also turned off the only subscription I had but I have no idea what happened to the 66 people that were in that group.  I also have over 400 Registered guests on the site and would love to figure out how to send them a invoice for a paid membership on the site.

So I have figured out very little, other than the fact I do not want the subscription thing.  I do not understand it and I just do not want to spend the time to learn it.

I did figure out why I could not set the permissions on the Members Group permissions page.  There are primary categorizes that you can not post in,  They hold sub categories that have topics.  So you can not give permission to Write or read in a primary forum. 

Thank you for the help.

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35 minutes ago, CaptJeff said:

LOL.  Never said that.

Apologies, you marked the topic got marked with a solution so I figured you were all set.

36 minutes ago, CaptJeff said:

Currently if someone joins the community they become a "Member"  I do not know how to control what they become.


1 hour ago, Jim M said:

If you're using Products, you would enable the requirement in there to force a purchase. This can be done through ACP -> Commerce -> Store -> Settings -> Purchase Settings -> Force users to make a purchase when registering?

You would then enable "Show on registration form?" while editing your Product.

Once all that is setup, when a user clicks "Register" on your community, they would have to select a Product.

You may wish to read my reply quoted above regarding forcing people to purchase your membership Products.


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Well poo,

Now things are really messed up.  I did what you said about turning off the subscriptions and requiring a purchase.

Went to the store and realized that two of the membership products have the same image and it is hard to tell the difference and decided to edit one of them and got this.

Could contain: File, Page, Text, Webpage

Then I tried to log in with one of my testing memberships and when i chose a membership package and tried to check out I got another error.

Could contain: Text, Page

So nothing is working now.

ARGGGG  Wonder why  I have a tenancy to leave my site UN-upgraded for YEARS..  When I do it takes me weeks and weeks get things to work again.

I do not even know what to ask


OK,  So I am now getting the error message on ALL my memberships in the store.

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4 minutes ago, CaptJeff said:


Could contain: File, Page, Text, Webpage

This looks like you're missing or have a restricted PHP module. You will want to review what is going on there with your hosting provider and ensure GD is properly installed on your server.

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OK,,  I have that turned off.  Earlier today I made a new member and it took me to a form where it asked me to answer a question.  Then I had to verify an email. 

Now I just tried to do that again and I am getting an error. 

How do I fix that?

Could contain: Text, Page, File

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3 minutes ago, CaptJeff said:

OK,,  I have that turned off.  Earlier today I made a new member and it took me to a form where it asked me to answer a question.  Then I had to verify an email. 

Now I just tried to do that again and I am getting an error. 

How do I fix that?

Could contain: Text, Page, File

Did you fix the issue you outlined above with PHP and GD? That is likely influencing this here.

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I have not.  I do not know what a GD is other than a nasty remark.  I have sent an email to my host and am waiting for an answer.

I created a new member earlier today and it worked well but it made them a Member.  I had not seen that before and that was what prompted me to look into this stuff.

When  I signed up earlier today it took me to the membership screen.  Just under the window with my memberships there is a link that says continue without purchasing.  When you clicked on that it took you to a screen where you could fill in your name and email and it asked you a question What does LTA stand for.  I vaguely remember setting that up but I liked it.

Now the system fails and I get an error message..

The PHP has not been changed today so if it was working this morning then it must be something I have done today while trying to "FIX" things (and I use the term very lightly_


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Ok,  I just got this message from my host.

Hi Jeff,

I have enabled the GMP module for PHP 8.1 on the HAB site. Let me know if that takes care of the error message you were getting.
I also just did this.
Could contain: Page, Text
But when I hit continue nothing happens.  But I did as asked,  Downloaded,  Uploaded to the api folder and named it htacess

Just tried again to see if I could register as a new member.

Could contain: Advertisement, Poster, Accessories, Bag, Handbag, Person, Animal, Bird, Face, Head

When  I chose "No Thanks" I was earlier taken to a page were I could fill out my information including a great challange queston.  But now when I hit "no thanks" I get.

Could contain: Text, Page, File

My host just said,

Hi Jeff,

I have enabled the GMP module for PHP 8.1 on the HAB site. Let me know if that takes care of the error message you were getting.
So I am unsure what else to ask or tell him.
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Now I can not get back in.

[[Template core/admin/global/globalTemplate is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]]

I sure hope that is not true,  I spent several hours getting the site to look the way it was and then I made three video tutorials from screen videos.


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This always seems to be a trend with me.  I start the day happy that my HotAirBalloonist.com site is back up and working great.  Then as the day goes on I find things that are not working and as the day goes on it gets worse and worse and I end the day just frustrated, confused and disappointed.


Just tried to log in and I am getting tCould contain: Text, Page, Filehe Sorry somethings not right error.

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Ok,  I went into my FTP and deleted that htaccess thing that the admin CP instructed me to download and place in the API folder.  I still can not log in with my primary browser but I was able to log in on another browser.  So I have no idea whats up with that.

I still can not get my new member registration to work the way I want. 

But I have had enough for today.  Time to go out back and fish for a couple of hours and unwind.

Could contain: Outdoors, Nature, Scenery, Lake, Water, Building, Vegetation, Tree, Waterfront, Aerial View

Good night

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