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Live Topics does not seem to work

Go to solution Solved by HRN-Admin,

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We do see the live topics feature, however after testing, there does not appear to be any way for users to participate. 
I created a test live topic and had a team member try and see/contribute, but they never saw a way to do this. All they saw was a round wheel on the page. I also tried to add them as a host and that had no effect at all.

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Is there anything that is preventing members seeing the live topic?.



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2 hours ago, HRN-Admin said:

Any help with this issue?
We have a live podcast coming up and would really like to use our platform for our members to participate.



Please could you set one of these up on your site, and let me know. I can then take a look for you to see what is going on

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1 minute ago, HRN-Admin said:

Great, thanks. I just tried to End the event and that also showed an error that the event could not be ended. Hope you manage to find a fix.


See your ticket, we may actually know the cause

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