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Home Problem with Logo link

Go to solution Solved by Jim M,

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33 minutes ago, Alexander Sulschani said:

I have the problem when I click on my logo to get to the start page, I am redirected to a page that does not exist with the error: 2S100/1

How can I change that, for example on a newly created page?


Check your template core_front_global/logo
It's possible that your custom theme has changed code in this template.
This is original code

{{if isset( \IPS\Theme::i()->logo['front']['url'] ) AND \IPS\Theme::i()->logo['front']['url'] !== null }}
{{$logo = \IPS\File::get( 'core_Theme', \IPS\Theme::i()->logo['front']['url'] )->url;}}
<a href='{setting="base_url"}' id='elLogo' accesskey='1'><img src="{$logo}" alt='{setting="board_name" escape="true"}'></a>
<a href='{setting="base_url"}' id='elSiteTitle' accesskey='1'>{setting="board_name"}</a>

You can perform a Revert on this template, and this will restore its functionality

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4 minutes ago, Alexander Sulschani said:

Thanks for the answer,
I checked that now. Unfortunately, the code is identical, so I can't get any further.

Are you the only one having this issue, or are all users of your site? Have you tried another browser?

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3 minutes ago, Alexander Sulschani said:

I have the problem on 4 different computers, whether apple, windows or mobile phone

Try and clear cache site
Click on ACP Support link, and on the right you will see a clear cache link

PS. If you share a link to your site, it can be investigated


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3 minutes ago, Jim M said:

You set our Platform app as your default application which does not have a default page and cannot be set as such. I changed this back to the Forums app in ACP -> System -> Application -> click the star icon next to the app you want as default.

Super thank you. it worked

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