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Commerce Question


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we have been using the Commerce for our site now for quit a while.  We use the API Paypal and Stripe.

Something has happened differently this time (never happened before) as a member was able to make a purchase through the storefront where he was able to make a partial payment. 

This setting was not done by us (partial payment)  and after talking to Stripe about it they stated it was a problem on the side of Invision Community and that you could clarify . 

We have made no upgrade to the newest Version of Invision yet so still working with 4.7.8

When i checked the invoices as i normally do for payment in the ACP it only stated that the invoice was Expired , but no type of confirmation of payment of any sort. 

The member has shown proof of payment from his CC so i would like to ask for your assistance with this matter .


Best wishes

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Do you have split payments enabled by chance in ACP -> Commerce -> Payments -> Settings -> Checkout tab -> Allow split payments?

Otherwise, we will need to know the invoice number and access to your community's ACP to investigate further.

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