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Special character codes in HTML editor

Vodafone CZ

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This is what i asked for

<a href="#" target="_blank" >Indikátor zapnutí svítí červeně</a>

And this is what i get

<a href="#" target="_blank">Indik&aacute;tor zapnut&iacute; sv&iacute;t&iacute; červeně</a>

But thank you both for useless "solution". Next time say something like "we dont care about other languages, english is the only option" or "we dont want to improve this feature".

Edited by Vodafone CZ
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53 minutes ago, Vodafone CZ said:

This is what i asked for

<a href="#" target="_blank" >Indikátor zapnutí svítí červeně</a>

And this is what i get

<a href="#" target="_blank">Indik&aacute;tor zapnut&iacute; sv&iacute;t&iacute; červeně</a>

But thank you both for useless "solution". Next time say something like "we dont care about other languages, english is the only option" or "we dont want to improve this feature".

Sorry to hear you are not happy with our answers here, however this is not a case of not caring here. This is a case of what you are seeing is actually correct. You are seeing the correct HTML Entities for those characters, which is the way in which they are added in HTML source. When you click the source button, you are viewing HTML source. To change them to what you mention there, would be to make them incorrect.


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