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Confused about how support works now days.

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I haven't really used support to much in awhile because I've been on an older version of IPS that isn't supported.

However, I remember I used to pay for priority support and had an area in the "client area" where I could create support tickets.

It was my understanding that the same (or similar) support was still available with the only difference being that now it has moved to the forums. ??

Having some trouble currently so, I submitted my ticket in the forums support area, but my thread was moved to a public area (really didn't want that) and I've received limited official IPS support, despite being on the newest version of 4.7.7 and having a paid for current license.

Please don't mistake this for a rant, as I truly do not mean it to come off that way. I'm 99% sure the issue is that I don't understand the changes to support or how it works.

I am legitimately trying to understand how support works now days.

Maybe it's the case that self hosted no longer has official support?

Would someone kindly elaborate?

Thank you in advance.

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Support is now started through the community here. The "Help & Support" forum here is managed by our staff and this is the only official support forum which we have. We no longer have priority support but everything else functions the same, our staff still has access to the Client Area to securely access your access details to your community, we can escalate items to tickets with our developers (if needed), etc... 

The reason for this change is that we receive a super high percentage of requests/questions which are extremely similar in nature and our clients could benefit from searching a common area for those answers. Additionally, other clients can chime in and report their experience with a particular issue or solution, etc... 

Many years now we have been commenting to our clients how great communities are for support and never have been using it to it's full potential so we are now 🙂 .

Just like in a ticket though, we will move items which fall outside our scope of support to the appropriate forum, like performance on your server, to a more suitable forum. 

Keep in mind, all support on the community is public now, that is the benefit of doing so.

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