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Error on background task: 1S111/1 BIGINT UNSIGNED value is out of range

Go to solution Solved by pixeldude,

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I'm getting this background task error after the upgrade to 4.7.5: 

1S111/1 BIGINT UNSIGNED value is out of range in '`schq_prd`.`core_solved_index`.`solved_date` - `schq_prd`.`forums_topics`.`start_date`'

Seems a substraction is causing this error, what can I do to solve this?


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Hi Marc,

Do you mean solved_date  in table core_solved_index has been added by a 3rd party item?

The error persists even when disabling all 3rd party items and a background task is stuck on one specific forum with "Rebuilding solved statistics for forum [name]"

Error log is flooded with :

SELECT AVG(core_solved_index.solved_date-forums_topics.start_date) FROM `forums_topics`  LEFT JOIN `core_solved_index` ON core_solved_index.app='forums' AND core_solved_index.item_id=forums_topics.tid WHERE ( state NOT IN('link','merged') ) AND ( approved NOT IN(-2,-3) ) AND forum_id=25 AND start_date > 1390911377 AND start_date < 1396051140 AND core_solved_index.id IS NOT NULL
BIGINT UNSIGNED value is out of range in '`schq_prd`.`core_solved_index`.`solved_date` - `schq_prd`.`forums_topics`.`start_date`'

The forum in question is of type "discussion", so why is the system even querying for solved dates?

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