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New User registration - custom message

Go to solution Solved by opentype,

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We would like to add some sort of warning/notice on the registration page, advising users to be very careful when choosing a username. We have a "sensitive" matter forum and we have had some cases of users getting trolled because of the topics matter and being able to identify them through their username. 

While I realise it is really "privacy 101" we do have cases where members are trolled and would like to add some warning on the registration form, suggesting that users choose a username that would not be able to be associate with them.

We had a recent case where a long term member was recently identified and was trolled and attacked (verbally) both on our community and elsewhere. There does not seem to be a global "find and replace" function, where a username can be changed and then a search and replace in all topics and quoted posts can also be updated to change from "Unsername101" to "SomeOtherUser" in all instances where the original username appears.

If there is such a feature to do a sitewide (all segments, including quoted posts) find and replace function, that would also be a really great help.


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