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Cannot login to website, several members reporting


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This started today, Several members including me can no longer log into our website. Three of us are the administrators. I keep getting this insecure connection warning and it won't allow me to login. I tried two different web browsers, and two different computers and my cell phone. Now I saw where the PhP has to be version 8 from now on so I went on Hostmonster (our domain server) and changed it. I also contacted them and they checked things on their end and told me it was a an issue with the software.

There was an update for invision pending, but none of the administrators can log in now to do the update. I don't know what to do or where the problem is.



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I was able to FTP in to the site via windows explorer, I found the file and made the change. the line was different then what you said. This was the line I changed:

 'board_url' => 'https://www.valleyatvclub.org',

Now I can login normally and no more warnings come up. However there is a pending update for the website but it complains about the PhP version. Earlier today I contacted hostmonster and I had them change the PhP version to 8.0 since it was still running the older version, but the website still thinks its the older version.

Is there a configuration file I have to change to reflect the change?



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My guess is your host did not change your PHP version correctly.   PHP is telling IPB you're still running PHP 7.3.   If they're running multiple versions of PHP, they might need to confirm they switched your site config to use that new version of PHP.  

Before you update the software itself...  make sure you update any third party resources/applications you use.  PHP8 is a BIG change.  The most common reasons for failed upgrades or not being able to access a site after an upgrade is because of a third party resource is not compatible with PHP8 and it breaks your site where it just displays a blank white page.  (If it happens, there are ways to disable all 3rd party resources allowing you to get back online.)

Also once on PHP8...  If you run into problems using the automatic updater, you can download a copy of the IPB files from your client area and upload them to your site via FTP.  Then just run domain.com/admin/upgrade to kick off the updater.  

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