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Can I migrate from self-hosted v4.3.6 to IC's cloud-hosted v4.73?


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Rather that deal with the headache of self-hosting, I'd like to leave my hosting provider and move to IC's cloud offering. Seems like a great way to focus on managing my community and getting out of doing my own tech support. I have a trial running in the could already, looks great.

How can I migrate my forums from https://dualsport-sd.com/forums to https://o323754.invisionservice.com/? I am familiar with SSH, SCP, command line, Linux/Unix, Apache, file system permissions & ownership, editing files without a GUI, etc. - basically I can do system administration. 

I do tech work for SDARPREZ & the San Diego Adventure Riders community. Replying so I can follow the conversation via my own email.

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I do tech work for SDARPREZ & the San Diego Adventure Riders community. Replying so I can follow the conversation via my own email.

Ignore that, I got my accounts mixed up due to IC's primary site and support forums having different logins. And of course I cannot go back and edit my post. Sigh. 🙂

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If you want to use your existing self hosted instance in the cloud, it will essentially replace the demo instance you have setup.  (You can’t merge your existing board with another board, regardless of its CIC or self hosted.)

Just reach out to the sales team and they can get you setup with the conversion team. 

In a nutshell, you would agree on a date in which to take your community offline. You’ll do an export of the database and all of the site files.   You’ll zip those up and upload them to a location provided by IPS. 

The staff will import your database and IPB related files (attachments, plugins, etc) into the CIC platform.  

Once ready, you’ll need to fix any custom themes and update any third party resources you might be using. Finally, you’ll then switch your DNS to them and your new site will be live. 

Make sure you have a full backup on your end before you start. They’ll highly recommend you do this so be prepared to do so. 🙂

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This is exciting news and I'm sure we can provide everything you need to continue running your successful community!

@Randy Calvert has done well (as usual) in offering his support and is quite right in his advice.

May I suggest getting in touch with us directly to discuss your potential move? Our sales team can discuss your needs and can make suggestions on which plan would best suit your requirements.

Contact Us - Invision Community

By all means continue discussion in here if that is your preference and I'll be sure to have someone reach out.

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