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Stripe payment uncaptured

Shamim Ahmed

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All my stripe intents are being set with manual method and timing out on payment. Payments are going through but are not being captured. I have to manually capture and mark as paid. Instead of charges automatically being captured and approved on invisions end. 

This is really a hastle for me and requires me to sit at the dashboard to capture and approve payments as they come in. Is there any way to fix this on my end? I've called stripe and they are telling me I need to hire a developer to fix my api. I have spent a lot of money here at invision community buying licenses and now I am having a major fault in the system. Please help me resolve this 
Pleas help me!
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These are not the right logs, and please make sure that you don't post any sensitive information in your screenshots. I hide your post with them in.

In Stripe, Click Developers in the top right, on the left click "webhooks". Then click the web hook you've got set up to see the logs of what it's sending to your community.

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As mentioned on the other topic, please check your hosting to ensure you have nothing like cloudflare, or another WAF there that may be causing you issues. This usually happens when something is blocking the webhooks. I will close the other topic down, as you have multiple open on the same issue

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