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Bug Report: "Remove Rewards" Feature (Via Topic) Does Not Actually Remove Badges or Points

Go to solution Solved by Marc,

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There's a bug in the Achievements system that needs addressing.


- Go to topic and 'Reward' a user with an incorrect badge and incorrect points (i.e. by mistake)
- Head to the '...' menu against the rewarded post and select 'Remove Rewards'.
- A dialog box shows up confirming that this will remove badges and points
- Check user's profile. Badge still remains and points adjustment still apparent in Admin CP.
- Manual deletion via Admin CP > Member Search > Points and Badges is required to fully remove the rewards.

Removing accidentally-awarded achievements...

Could contain: Text, Paper


Could contain: Business Card, Paper, Text

Post-removal of rewards - checking user profile (badge is not removed)...

Could contain: Text, Paper

Admin CP view - points are not removed (requires admin to adjust back via 'Edit User's Points' button)...

Could contain: Text

Admin CP view - badge has not been removed (requires admin to fully remove using the 'delete' button to the right)...

Could contain: Text

It seems that all the 'Remove Rewards' function does is uncouple the badge and points awarded to the specific post. It needs to completely remove the badge and points from the user as well. My community's moderation team will be responsible for handing out the majority of manual badge/point rewards, and this bug will add unnecessary additional workload and resources to fully remove accidental badge/point rewards.

Edited by Dreadknux
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Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.


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