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bug pasting a shared link


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I use the share functionally available in the posts a lot.

Could contain: Text

When I past the link in another post, I will see a nice block with the information about the post and an image if there was an image.

Well, the problem I am reporting is this.

  • I edited post #1 on a topic. Saved it
  • Selected the share option in the dropdown menu for that particular post
  • Pasted the link in another post

The image I see in the shared link is not the new image I have updated. It's the image I deleted. The image inserted corresponds to an image that should NO longer exist, but that old non-existent image is still being displayed.

Is it a known bug?



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42 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

I dont seem to be able to replicate this on my own instance here. Do you have an example of this I can take a look at?

Sure. This one for example. You will see that the shared link shows an image that has nothing to do with that topic's first post. The original image does not exist but the image is being showing in the shared block 



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13 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

Im not sure I understand the issue here. The image that is on that share item is indeed present in the post

The first image of the post is different to the image in the shared link. It has different lines. Please take a deeper look. It has lines and rectangles that the first post image does not have. 

There is an image, yes. But it's not the image in the first post, not at all.

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25 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

I can see its an issue on there. Could I please confirm the order in which this happened, as Im unable to replicate. Did you add the topic before editing or after editing?

I believe this is what I've done.

  • I edited the original post, changed the image
  • Saved the post
  • Copy the shared link
  • Created a new topic. Pasted the shared link topic

The end result is having the old deleted image in the shared link.


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17 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

Are you able to replicate this other than that one item? Im not able to replicate on this end at all.

I have seen in many times in the past. I didn't try to replicate it today. I saw it happen again and I shared the issue. 

I tried to replicate the problem now and I am getting an even weirder result. See this link:


The image you can see in the thumbnail does NOT belong to the first comment (the comment I took the shared link from), it belongs to the #3 post. 

Why is the pasted link choosing the image from the third post instead of the first post image? 😞


Edited by OptimusBain
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Please could you first of all try upgrading to the latest release and trying this again. If you are still able to replicate (I suspect you likely will be able to) then we can get a ticket sorted for this to be looked into further for you

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4 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

Please could you first of all try upgrading to the latest release and trying this again. If you are still able to replicate (I suspect you likely will be able to) then we can get a ticket sorted for this to be looked into further for you

I installed 4.7 final. The can replicate the same problem. When I paste the URL from the first post of a topic, in this particular case, it thumbnail displayed will belong to the 3rd post and not the first one.

This is the new link:  


I could replicate both issues:

  • First post contains a link whose thumbnail should display the image from the first comment, but instead it displays the image from the 3rd comment
  • Then I created a second post, added some time and an image. Submitted the second post
  • I edited the 2nd post, deleted the image I had pasted and inserted the same one with an X in the middle (you will see the X) to make it different) and saved
  • I started to type a third comment. I tried to paste another image and it doesn't let me do it 😞
  • In order to paste an image, I MUST refresh the browser's page
  • I am using latest MacOS and the last Chrome update (yesterday)

In the link above I've been able to replicate both issues:

  • Unable to paste an image in a new comment IF I edit the previous comment and delete the image and change it for another one
  • When pasting a shared link, I will see the thumb of a different post in the topic. It should display the thumbnail of the topic/comment I've chosen to share.


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