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Restoring MySQL database when moving hosting - Does it fail for anyone else?

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The below error is what I get when I try to import the entire DB.

Could contain: Text, Face

I'm having to import each table separately because the limit in the php.ini file I need is insanely high and I don't feel comfortable changing it.
At least that was the only solution I could find in my google searches for this error in the past.

Is there a quicker way to do this? PHPMyAdmin says there are 6 pages worth of tables (with the default setting). That is insane.

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Importing a database which is larger than roughly 20 MB really should be done with the "mysql" command-line (SSH) utility. Using phpMyAdmin to import any database can be problematic.

If you have shell (ssh) access to your site, we'd recommend using that instead

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