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Different Email Servers, Site v. Support Piping?

Go to solution Solved by Jim M,

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I am cloud-hosted on IPS, who helped set me up so that MX for the domain points to Dotster allowing me to easily maintain a frequently-changing set of aliases there for our dog club at example.com. Looking at my Email Settings page I am using SMTP (Mailgun) to send site email. All seems good. 

I would like to look into using Support Tickets and Departments for handling the occasional incoming queries (and spam, sigh). 

If I set up a new domain support.example.com, can I enable SendGrid in Commerce → Settings → Incoming/Outgoing Emails and use piping to point various incoming contacts to relevant club functionaries using the Departments setup?  

My belief and hope is that there is no interaction between site emails like notifications, registrations, etc. and email transactions within the Support subsystem, but I don't want to find out I was wrong by breaking a currently working setup. 

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6 minutes ago, bradl said:

If I set up a new domain support.example.com, can I enable SendGrid in Commerce → Settings → Incoming/Outgoing Emails and use piping to point various incoming contacts to relevant club functionaries using the Departments setup?  

You would indeed need to setup a new sub-domain for email (as mentioned with support.example.com) to receive incoming email via SendGrid and if you want to retain your existing mail server running at example.com.

Keep in mind that only 1 email address can be routed to a department so if you intend to utilize multiple departments, you will need an email address per department. This can all be setup in your department in Commerce.

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Since my site is hosted as a domain in CiC the DNS for example.com is managed at and by IPS and I can't make changes to it.

Is it safe to create the new subdomain at Dreamhost and change that subdomain's DNS servers to dreamhost DNS so I can monkey with MX etc.? I am terrified of breaking my main site. 

Sorry for the basic questions, I really don't want to assume too much. I guess I need reassurance that the subdomain DNS is *entirely* independent of the root domain's.

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