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Error Code


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I'm suddenly getting an error code many times per day.  I've made absolutely no changes at all.  

Locked Task: dailyStreamSubscriptions

One of the routine maintenance tasks which run in the background has failed several times, which may indicate a configuration issue. 

This is what I get many times per day.

RuntimeException Object
   [message:protected] => Only subclasses of Dispatcher can be instantiated
   [string:Exception:private] => 
   [code:protected] => 0
   [file:protected] => /home/dknelson/public_html/forum/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php
   [line:protected] => 54
   [trace:Exception:private] => Array
           [0] => Array
                   [file] => /home/dknelson/public_html/forum/system/Theme/Theme.php
                   [line] => 598
                   [function] => i
                   [class] => IPS\_Dispatcher
                   [type] => ::
                   [args] => Array


           [1] => Array
                   [file] => /home/dknelson/public_html/forum/applications/gallery/Application.php
                   [line] => 221
                   [function] => css
                   [class] => IPS\_Theme
                   [type] => ->
                   [args] => Array
                           [0] => gallery.css
                           [1] => gallery


           [2] => Array
                   [file] => /home/dknelson/public_html/forum/applications/gallery/sources/Album/Item.php
                   [line] => 448
                   [function] => outputCss
                   [class] => IPS\gallery\_Application
                   [type] => ::
                   [args] => Array


           [3] => Array
                   [file] => /home/dknelson/public_html/forum/system/Content/Search/Results.php
                   [line] => 183
                   [function] => searchResultExtraData
                   [class] => IPS\gallery\Album\_Item
                   [type] => ::
                   [args] => Array
                           [0] => Array
                                   [1232] => Array
                                           [album_id] => 1232
                                           [album_name] => My BlueBird
                                           [album_owner_id] => 17274
                                           [album_comments] => 0
                                           [album_reviews] => 0
                                           [album_last_x_images] => [11582,11581,11580,11579,11578]
                                           [album_cover_img_id] => 0




           [4] => Array
                   [file] => /home/dknelson/public_html/forum/applications/core/sources/Stream/Subscription.php
                   [line] => 155
                   [function] => init
                   [class] => IPS\Content\Search\_Results
                   [type] => ->
                   [args] => Array


           [5] => Array
                   [file] => /home/dknelson/public_html/forum/applications/core/sources/Stream/Subscription.php
                   [line] => 91
                   [function] => getContentForStream
                   [class] => IPS\core\Stream\_Subscription
                   [type] => ->
                   [args] => Array
                           [0] => Array
                                   [id] => 1
                                   [member_id] => 18697
                                   [stream_id] => 1
                                   [frequency] => daily
                                   [sent] => 1653652382
                                   [added] => 1649322042
                                   [last_visit] => 1649321906



           [6] => Array
                   [file] => /home/dknelson/public_html/forum/applications/core/tasks/dailyStreamSubscriptions.php
                   [line] => 40
                   [function] => sendBatch
                   [class] => IPS\core\Stream\_Subscription
                   [type] => ::
                   [args] => Array
                           [0] => daily


           [7] => Array
                   [file] => /home/dknelson/public_html/forum/system/Task/Task.php
                   [line] => 367
                   [function] => IPS\core\tasks\{closure}
                   [class] => IPS\core\tasks\_dailyStreamSubscriptions
                   [type] => ->
                   [args] => Array


           [8] => Array
                   [file] => /home/dknelson/public_html/forum/applications/core/tasks/dailyStreamSubscriptions.php
                   [line] => 41
                   [function] => runUntilTimeout
                   [class] => IPS\_Task
                   [type] => ->
                   [args] => Array
                           [0] => Closure Object
                                   [this] => IPS\core\tasks\dailyStreamSubscriptions Object
                                           [caches:protected] => Array

                                           [_data:protected] => Array
                                                   [id] => 1681
                                                   [app] => core
                                                   [key] => dailyStreamSubscriptions
                                                   [frequency] => P0Y0M0DT0H5M0S
                                                   [next_run] => 1653767402
                                                   [running] => 1
                                                   [enabled] => 1
                                                   [plugin] => 
                                                   [lock_count] => 3
                                                   [last_run] => 1653738722

                                           [_new:protected] => 
                                           [changed] => Array
                                                   [running] => 1
                                                   [next_run] => 1653767402

                                           [skipCloneDuplication] => 




           [9] => Array
                   [file] => /home/dknelson/public_html/forum/system/Task/Task.php
                   [line] => 266
                   [function] => execute
                   [class] => IPS\core\tasks\_dailyStreamSubscriptions
                   [type] => ->
                   [args] => Array


           [10] => Array
                   [file] => /home/dknelson/public_html/forum/system/Task/Task.php
                   [line] => 229
                   [function] => run
                   [class] => IPS\_Task
                   [type] => ->
                   [args] => Array


           [11] => Array
                   [file] => /home/dknelson/public_html/forum/applications/core/interface/task/task.php
                   [line] => 58
                   [function] => runAndLog
                   [class] => IPS\_Task
                   [type] => ->
                   [args] => Array



   [previous:Exception:private] => 



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We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. 

We look forward to further assisting you. 


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26 minutes ago, Jim M said:

We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. 

We look forward to further assisting you. 


I just checked and reentered things.  They should be correct.  If not, tell me what you need please.

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As a follow up, I contacted my host and got this response.

This email you're receiving doesn't seem to be an error exactly, but rather just a notice. This is coming from a cronjob on your site, and it's configured to mail you any output from the resulting command being run: 
root@host [~]# crontab -l -u dknelson
* * * * * /opt/cpanel/ea-php74/root/usr/bin/php -d memory_limit=-1 -d max_execution_time=0 /home/dknelson/public_html/forum/applications/core/interface/task/task.php 88fde358f746629c7470545dbe22bd4f

If you'd prefer not to receive these notices at all, I can simply remove the "MAILTO" and disable output by appending "> /dev/null 2>&1" to the command. 

That being said, if you need this output, then you'll want to assess what is causing these notices in your site code. You may need to review the documentation for the forum software (Invision Community) for more details on it. 

Let me know how you'd like to proceed and if you ahve any other questions. 


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10 hours ago, Jim M said:

Unfortunately, the credentials are still incorrect for our software's ACP. Please ensure that the display name and password are correct so that we can login and review what is happening here.

OK...I have it updated correctly now.  

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