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Ocean West
Go to solution Solved by Jim M,

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Sorry, there is no way which is recommended/supported than using the software to manually set this. I can move this to the community support forum if you wish to explore other methods with your fellow administrators?

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5 minutes ago, Ocean West said:

Seems odd to store such a setting in a bitwise setting instead of a column in the database were you can easily set it with an sql statement.


You're more than welcome to comment with any suggestions in our Feature Suggestion forum 🙂 .

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5 minutes ago, Ocean West said:

sure but mark this as un-solved because a solution has yet to be found ( 1 by 1 is not an option )

I am sorry that you do not agree with the solution but the answer provided is the solution which this forum is intended to provide. The "solution" has been marked as it is the official/supported answer of what can be done in the core software. It may not be the solution you move forward with but it is marked as such so that anyone viewing also understands this from an official support perspective.

Again, if you want me to move this to a different forum so you can obtain support from your peers, I can do that as well.


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