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Disk template caching apparently not working


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So I randomly discovered that after moving to a new server we had forgot to setup the folders we had configured for our disk template caching.

I created the folders, set the owner:group to www-data:www-data and even set the chmod for it to 777. 

I resaved the settings, and it accepted the folder being readable and writable, but after browsing the community I noted that no cache files have been created in the folder. 

I also tried to deactivate the enable-setting, activate it again, and empty cache, but there is still nothing written to the folder. It doesn't seem to do anything. 

This has been tested on a test install running the latest version. Have you changed how this works? Is the cache files created dependent upon some other action than before? Do you have any ideas on what might be the problem?

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16 hours ago, Ryan Ashbrook said:

I do not recall any recent changes to template disk caching. It's also working for me in testing. Though note it does not work while IN_DEV or in the Admin CP.

Turns out something very weird is going on with my installations. When I save a new value for a setting it "doesn't stick".

It gives the impression the value has been saved after submit. No error message, the value is updated when the page reloads. But if I then proceed to reload the page, without resubmitting the form, it shows the old value still.

I've cleared cache multiple times. No IN_DEV or other developer mode.

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Problem turned out to be the task.php no longer being chmodded correctly and the form giving an error about that, which isn't the most visible error, especially when my attention is focused further down. This in turn causes the form to just return instead of saving any other values that still would be valid. But the values still appear as changed, since the form checks \IPS\Request 

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1 minute ago, TSP said:

Problem turned out to be the task.php not being chmodded directly and the form giving an error about that, which isn't the most visible error, especially when my attention is focused further down. This in turn causes the form to just return instead of saving any other values that still would be valid. 

Glad to see you managed to find what was causing the problem 🙂 

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