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Member Groups and SSO

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I'm wondering if there is a way to have a member group set up so that only members who've signed in using SSO (from Wild Apricot) can access that group?

We have a public and private set of Forums and we only want valid members in Wild Apricot to have access to those the private forum areas. Currently we just use a member group for that, but adding and removing members has become a bit of an issue.  It would kinda be nice to automate the process...

Members who sign in via the regular IPB authentication should only be able to access the public forums.



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10 hours ago, IPMS/USA Webmaster said:

It should work, as far as its an OAuth provider and will allow you to login. As pointed out above however, there is nothing relating to usergroup setup built in our end, so the answer is, it depends on what you are looking for. If it's for groups, then no.

I do know there are items in the marketplace such as wordpress SSO which will achieve such things. 

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