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[Downloads] Moderation, Editing and Copy Settings Issue

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I've noticed some odd behavior after the last few updates. 

1. If a file needs to be approved, its held for moderation. Before its approved I can no longer get to the update screen/section if I need to add or change a screenshot. I get an error that I don't have the permissions. I now need to approve it, edit it, and then approve the new version. I've checked permissions and settings, disabled apps and plugins, but am hitting a brick wall on why this is happening. The user is an administrator will full permissions. Why can't I upload a new version or add a screenshot before approving it?

2. Copy settings within downloads categories is not working. Specifically trying to disable version numbers for all categories. Never stays.



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I have copied that setting, and it appears to be copying everywhere without any issue. Are you ensuring you have saved the valid on that category first before you try to copy it? Otherwise you would be copying whatever the valid is on that saved category

With the other issue, please provide a user and item you are happy for me to play with.

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4 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

Are you ensuring you have saved the valid on that category first before you try to copy it?

This might be it, maybe I wasn't saving first. Thank you for looking.

With the other issue, if you log back in (your user is also in admin group) and go to downloads, you'll see an unapproved file. Try to go to File Actions > Upload a new version. 

Here's what comes up:



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1 minute ago, Marc Stridgen said:

OK so on discussing this, its actually intended workflow. You can only actually have one pending and one latest version at any one time. So in order to add a new version you would first either need to reject or approve the version that is pending.

Ok, it was never like that prior to the last version or two because I was always able to add a screenshot, edit descriptions and then approve. Its an extra step I was never doing. Something must have changed.  I don't see any ability to reject, only approve and delete. So what do I do in the case where the member's entry is not complete or needs to be changed? I don't want to delete it and see no way to reject and have it go back to the member to be edited. Its just extra work whoever implemented this change in the workflow.  I can see the reasoning but I would consider moving screenshots to the edit details section or separate from the file upload. Users don't always add screenshots is the issue, and turning on the setting to force them discourages uploading with some. Automatic screenshots of a file would be nice.

Thanks for looking into it.

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