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License key reseting

Go to solution Solved by Mark H,

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Hello! My problem started 2-3 weeks ago, from version 4.6.6, my license key keeps reseting. Every 3-4 days i get the red alert, i need to go to the admin cp license section (my license is there as always but the platform says i need to change it), sometimes i just press the reset data and everything works and sometimes i need to re-enter the license key, after that everythings goes well for another 2-3 days. 
https://invisioncommunity.com/clientarea/check-license/?url=https://oldgods.ro/forum - here i'm always licensed but in client area it's says that i don't have any licensed URL's.
Btw: im using cloudflare for protection but even without cloudflare the problem persists. 
Version: 4.6.7

Edited by darian4333
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For some reason your registered URL hadn't actually registered here, and I suspect this is related.

I've manually entered your URL. Please check the license data again, the message should go away.

If it still happens after doing so, however, please update this topic to let us know and we'll investigate further.

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