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Messages Body Text Box Not Appearing


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12 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

Please go to Support in the top right of your admin CP, then click on clear cache. Once you have done that test again, and if its still an issue, try disabling all 3rd party items and testing this

Thanks for your reply.

I cleared the Cache and my third party items are disabled, and I still have the problem.

The curious item is that if I try to create a new message while I am viewing an existing private message.  The body text box appears.  But if I try to create a new message when I am on a forum page, the body text box does not appear.  Examples below/attached.







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Could you please try clearing your browser's cache? Additionally, after you clear your browser's cache, could you check to see if there are any errors in the browser console? (most browsers can view this by going to F12 and then console tab)

If you require further assistance, please update the access details on file in the Client Area and we'll be happy to take a look for you.

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