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How to find TOP_DOWNLOADS widget running on my site?


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I can see the query running on my server but I have removed the widget everywhere that I can find. Yet it's still running

 /*IPS\downloads\widgets\_topDownloads::render:99*/ SELECT dfid, count(*) AS downloads FROM `downloads_downloads`  LEFT JOIN `downloads_files` ON dfi                   d=file_id WHERE file_cat IN(2,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21) AND dtime>? GROUP BY `dfid` ORDER BY downloads DESC LIMIT 3 

This query always runs slowly and I need it to stop running.

  • Any way to find where this mystery widget is running so I can get rid of it?
  • OR....
  • Any way in the ACP to simply turn this off regardless of where it is running?

Any help appreciated

Thank you

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OK... short long story if anybody else runs into this...
If you don't have the Pages App:

  1. check your core_widget_areas database table

IF you're using IP.Pages:

  1. check your core_widget_areas database table
  2. check your cms_page_widget_database areas
  3. check your blocks ( ACP => Pages => Blocks ) and the cms_blocks database table.



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