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Anyone using Pages database uploads with S3?

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I switched over the “CMS Records” file storage location to Amazon S3 and found that editing the record gets slow to the point where it gets almost unusable – depending on how many files there are uploaded for a record. And it’s not just saving the form the first time. Even clicking “edit” and “save” without changes is extremely slow. I guess it makes serial API calls for each file and when you have something like a multi-upload field with 25 images this will just take too long. 

Is anyone else using Pages multi-uploads for databases in combination with Amazon S3 successfully? I need to know if this can work or if I need to drop my approach for this project entirely. 

(I also opened a ticket but it has gone nowhere in 18 days.)

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I have S3, but I have no multi uploads.

If you want I can set one up though and see if I can replicate the issue?

Toss me a private message and I can duplicate your setup and make some test, or just give you admin access, so you can set it up yourself, if you need it.

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18 hours ago, Jimi Wikman said:

If you want I can set one up though and see if I can replicate the issue?


Thanks! Yeah, would be great to test it on a different installation to be sure it’s an IPS issue.  
Steps to replicate:

  • make sure storage location cms_records is set to Amazon S3
  • Add a test field “uploads” to a database with the option for multiple uploads
  • Open a record and add a larger amount of images (e.g. 20+). Images can be small in size. It seems to be the amount that is the problem. 
  • Expected result: clicking “save” and “edit” becomes extremely slow for that record. 
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17 hours ago, opentype said:

Thanks! Yeah, would be great to test it on a different installation to be sure it’s an IPS issue.  
Steps to replicate:

  • make sure storage location cms_records is set to Amazon S3
  • Add a test field “uploads” to a database with the option for multiple uploads
  • Open a record and add a larger amount of images (e.g. 20+). Images can be small in size. It seems to be the amount that is the problem. 
  • Expected result: clicking “save” and “edit” becomes extremely slow for that record. 

I'll make a test tonight and give you the results 🙂

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