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Club as a Support Ticket?


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How do we make a Club work as Support Ticket system?

Can we achieve this with IPB? Or is there anything in Marketplace that can do this?

The idea is to let Club Leader open and run their own Support Ticket.

Thanks for any help 💭☺️

Edited by Umaar
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2 hours ago, Daniel F said:

There's a setting inside the forums feature to show the members only their own topics.

 CleanShot 2021-06-28 at 13.28.40@2x.png

Yesss...I thought I saw this settings somewhere, but couldn't find it. Thanks @Daniel F 👍

This is such a powerful feature.

It's getting better when I just discovered that we could have multiple 'Topic' feature with individual settings in it.

Thanks again 👍👍🤓

2 hours ago, opentype said:

Well, everyone with access to club would see all the posts in the club. If that’s no problem, then yes, you could use forums within clubs as support topics. 

That button @Daniel F was talking about eliminate this limitation.

I'm going to test it more. 🤓

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