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Paid Project: Need Theme Creator & Website Developer

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I'm Jacob, aka Lukian and I'm the owner of a large gaming community known as Requiem. We're currently in the market for a new website and would really like to use Invision but also need to find a couple of people to help us out, or even someone that can do both. Below I will outline some of our needs in what we're wanting which I will go over more if you work with us. We are looking for someone with previous experience and work to show for it. For easiest communication, please contact me via Discord at Lukian#0001 or even join our community at discord.gg/requiem - Looking forward to hearing from you!


Some of what we're looking for:

Navigation Bar
 • Staff Applications
 • Support Us/Supporter Benefits/Donations
 • Game Related Sections (Drop Down Menu)
 • Social Links (Icons)
 • Streamers/Content Creators
 • Shop (Merch)
 • News
 • Events
 • About Us
 • Support (FAQ, Need Help)
 • Contact Us
 • Referral Program

 • All from Navigation Bar
 • Downloads (Assets)
 • ToS/CoC/Copyright/Privacy Policy
 • Brand Guide
 • Rules & Guidelines
 • Any Additional Info
 • Hierarchy/Staff List

Frontpage, Homepage, Welcome Screen
 • Nav Slider/Carousel (News, Updates, Events, Other Info)
 • About Us
 • Streamers/Content Creators
 • News, Updates, Newsletters
 • Sponsored Logos
 • Call to action (Join Discord, Support Us, Merch, FAQ, Support)

Other Information
 • RSVP for Events
 • Subscription Based Supporter Benefits (Moved from Patreon)
 • Staff Management (Staff can give/take roles depending on their position)
 • Automatically Showing Live Streams and/or new videos.

Here is our current website https://www.officialrequiem.com/ which is really not up to our standards and is why we're looking for someone with the right expertise to help us out. We are open to talk about pricing as well. The above information could change a bit and we will discuss further on the exact features we'd like. Thank you for your time!

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Hi Jacob,
I suggest you also check the IPS4 providers for help with this since they do not always see every request: https://invisioncommunity.com/third-party/providers/

I think that you can find a nice theme and then most of the things you have on your list have plugins that you can use.

For example you have VideoBox that works with videos and streaming:

Pages will let you create pretty much anything you like in terms of content and you can set up a news section in a few minutes using just Pages and the amazing Pages Supergrid (or any other marvelous thing @opentype creates)

If I had the time I would gladly help you, but unfortunately time is a bit limited for me right now.

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