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Our Picks to single column

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Hey there. I am interested in utilizing the Our Picks feature more in my community.


I was wondering if it's somehow possible to force the Our Picks content items into a single column (so there aren't any items side-by-side no matter how wide the browser window is - similar to how Instagram on desktop looks).

And hey while I've got ya, if there's any way to force every content item on the OP page to be the same height that'd be awesome, too! I would love a little more uniformity on the page!

I am kind of interested in having it similar to how The Verge has theirs.

If it's more appropriate to have this in the Marketplace Requests section because this is better suited as paid work, I am also down for that. 


Screen Shot 2021-05-09 at 12.06.11 PM.png


Any help/insight would be greatly appreciated! 

This is a request so move to the requests forum - this forum is a support forum for marketplace released items.

6 minutes ago, Jordan Invision said:

If it's more appropriate to have this....



Edited by Nathan Explosion

13 minutes ago, Jordan Invision said:

I was wondering if it's somehow possible to force the Our Picks content items into a single column

"Our Picks" is a widget/block so if you have Pages then create a custom block based on "Our Picks"

Then change the 'Content' - change the template settings to "Use as a base for..." and modify the html code. I suspect, but am probably wrong, that the first thing to do would be to drop the 'ipsCarousel' elements from the code to begin with.

  • Author
4 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

Then change the 'Content' - change the template settings to "Use as a base for..." and modify the html code. I suspect, but am probably wrong, that the first thing to do would be to drop the 'ipsCarousel' elements from the code to begin with.

Thanks for responding! I moved the topic.

Regarding the above... I wish I was a code ninja and knew how to do this 😅

I can dream it, but in terms of implementation I am a baby goat. 

What I described above doesn't require you to be a ninja - if it does then IPS haven't done a very good job.

It is a little tricky. It’s a “masonry” layout created dynamically with JavaScript. Would be easy to mess this up and cause more harm than good. 

Personally, I would just keep it the way it is. The dynamic layout makes good use of whatever space is available. Forcing one column only introduces new problems, e.g. images which get super thin when the height is fixed or super high when the aspect ratio is fixed. 

  • Author
2 hours ago, opentype said:

It is a little tricky. It’s a “masonry” layout created dynamically with JavaScript. Would be easy to mess this up and cause more harm than good. 

Personally, I would just keep it the way it is. The dynamic layout makes good use of whatever space is available. Forcing one column only introduces new problems, e.g. images which get super thin when the height is fixed or super high when the aspect ratio is fixed. 

Ahhh appreciate your insight. 

interesting. I think that’d be ok to keep it this way so long as I can have a little more uniformity? Ie all the content items are the same exact height, remove the caption preview or set it to X amount of words and maybe a few other stylistic changes. 😅 

I love the Our Picks page so I’m looking forward to seeing where I can take things!

Ah, I thought you meant the widget and not the actual page. And as mentioned...

3 hours ago, opentype said:

It’s a “masonry” layout created dynamically with JavaScript

And I ain't touching that with a bargepole, having looked at it.

Excited Black And White GIF

  • Author
4 hours ago, Nathan Explosion said:

Ah, I thought you meant the widget and not the actual page. And as mentioned...

And I ain't touching that with a bargepole, having looked at it.

Excited Black And White GIF


Any idea how to make all of the content items on the OP page the same height? 

The posts not lining up exactly is giving me anxiety 😆 

Any help would be *chef's kiss*

Screen Shot 2021-05-09 at 9.39.36 PM.png

body[data-pageController='ourpicks'] div[data-role='patchworkItem'] div.cPromoted {

Adjust the height value to your own requirements.

Hey guys, I've read this topic and it game me an idea. I think I'd be happy if I didn't go as far as Jordan to make a differently looking widget. I'd be content with having a custom plugin widget which would display picks not in a carousel but in the same fashion as it is displayed in the our picks dedicated page https://exhale.breatheheavy.com/ourpicks

With one exception - having 3 columns instead of two.

I tried messing with custom block based on "Our Picks" like @Nathan Explosion had suggested and only got so far...

Perhaps anyone got any idea where else I can remove carousel stuff and make it look like patchwork?

<h3 class='ipsType_reset ipsWidget_title'>{lang="block_promoted"}</h3>
<div class='{{if $orientation !== 'vertical'}}ipsPad{{else}}ipsPad_half{{endif}} ipsWidget_inner'>
	{{if $orientation !== 'vertical'}}
		<div class='ipsCarousel ipsClearfix cPromotedWidget_horizontal' data-ipspatchwork>
			<div class='ipsCarousel_inner'>
		<ul class='ipsGrid ipsGrid_collapsePhone ipsPatchwork' data-role="tableRows">
		{{foreach $promoted as $item}}
			{{$photoCount = ( $imageObjects = $item->imageObjects() ) ? \count( $imageObjects ) : 0;}}
			{{$staff = \IPS\Member::load( $item->added_by );}}
			<li class='ipsGrid_span4' data-ipsLazyLoad>
				{{if $photoCount}}
					{{$firstPhoto = $item->imageObjects()[0];}}
					<a href='{$item->object()->url()}' class='ipsAreaBackground_dark cPromotedHeader' {{if settings.lazy_load_enabled}}data-background-src='{backgroundimage="$firstPhoto->url"}'{{else}}style='background-image: url({$firstPhoto->url})'{{endif}}>
						<img {{if settings.lazy_load_enabled}}src='{expression="\IPS\Text\Parser::blankImage()"}' data-{{endif}}src='{$firstPhoto->url}' class='ipsHide' alt="{$item->objectTitle}">
				{{if $photoCount > 1}}
					<ul class='ipsGrid cPromotedImages ipsClearfix ipsAreaBackground_light' data-ipsGrid data-ipsGrid-minItemSize='40' data-ipsGrid-maxItemSize='60'>
						{{foreach $item->imageObjects() as $file}}
							<li class='ipsGrid_span4'>
								<a href='{$file->url}' {{if settings.lazy_load_enabled}}data-background-src='{backgroundimage="$file->url"}'{{else}}style='background-image: url({backgroundimage="$file->url"})'{{endif}} data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='g{$item->id}'>
									<img {{if settings.lazy_load_enabled}}src='{expression="\IPS\Text\Parser::blankImage()"}' data-{{endif}}src='{$file->url}' alt='' class='ipsHide'>
				<div class='ipsPad cPromotedWidgetItem_content'>
					<h2 class='ipsType_reset ipsType_large ipsType_blendLinks cPromotedTitle'>
						<a href="{$item->object()->url()}">{$item->ourPicksTitle}</a>
					<p class='ipsType_reset ipsType_light ipsType_medium ipsType_blendLinks'>
					<div class='cPromotedWidgetItem_contentInner'>
						{{if $text = $item->getText('internal', true)}}
							<div class="ipsType_richText ipsType_medium ipsSpacer_both ipsSpacer_half" data-ipsTruncate data-ipsTruncate-type='remove' data-ipsTruncate-size='4 lines'>{$text|raw}</div>
						{{$reactionClass = $item->objectReactionClass;}}
						{{if $reactionClass || $item->objectDataCount}}
							<ul class='ipsList_inline ipsType_light ipsSpacer_bottom'>
								{{if $reactionClass}}
								<li>{template="reactionOverview" group="global" app="core" params="$reactionClass, FALSE"}</li>
								{{if $counts = $item->objectDataCount}}
									<li><i class='fa fa-comment'></i> {$counts['words']}</li>

					<div class='ipsPhotoPanel ipsPhotoPanel_tiny ipsType_blendLinks ipsType_light'>
						{template="userPhoto" group="global" app="core" params="$staff, 'tiny'"}
							{{if $item->sent AND $item->share_to AND \count( $item->share_to ) > 1}}
								<ul class='ipsList_inline cPromotedNetworks'>
									{{foreach $item->share_to as $service}}
										{{if $service == 'internal'}}
										{{if $url = $item->getPublishedUrl( $service )}}
											{{$sharer = $item->getPromoter( $service );}}
											<li class='ipsPos_right'>
												<a href='{$url}' class='cShareLink cShareLink_{$service}' data-ipsTooltip title='{lang="promote_shared_on" sprintf="$sharer->key"}'>
													<i class='fa fa-{$sharer::$icon}'></i>
							<h3 class='ipsType_minorHeading'>{lang="promoted_by"}</h3>
							{template="userLink" group="global" app="core" params="$staff"}, {datetime="$item->sent"}


6 minutes ago, Maxxius said:

With one exception - having 3 columns instead of two.

That’s already the default behavior for the our picks page. It just depends on how much space there is available. This page uses 3 columns:


The templates for the Our Picks page are visible in the theme when searching for “promotePublic”. 

17 minutes ago, Maxxius said:

With one exception - having 3 columns instead of two.

Clarification needed:

You want the "Our Picks" widget, which has 1 row of items in a carousel, to display 1 row of 3 items without the carousel?


You want the "Our Picks" widget, which has 1 row of items in a carousel, to display several rows of 3 items each, without the carousel?


I want things to look exactly as this


But in a form of a widget, in a custom block. I'd place that on a page which has no sidebars.

And then I'd try to make it of even height with this.

57 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:
body[data-pageController='ourpicks'] div[data-role='patchworkItem'] div.cPromoted {


  • Author
5 hours ago, Maxxius said:

And then I'd try to make it of even height


I managed to make them a bit more uniform by hiding the captions that are included when Promoting. 

However, I still tend to think when I view this my eyes go all over the place not knowing where to look first. On mobile (which most people use mobile to read my community) it's a lot easier to digest because it's all in one column. I'd love to mirror that magic on desktop as well. 

OP is a really powerful way to display content across the community. I can't believe I'm only just now realizing I should do it this way lol 🤦🏼‍♂️ 

Screen Shot 2021-05-10 at 7.01.26 AM.png

On 5/9/2021 at 8:26 PM, Nathan Explosion said:

"Our Picks" is a widget/block so if you have Pages then create a custom block based on "Our Picks"


On 5/9/2021 at 8:09 PM, Jordan Invision said:

I was wondering if it's somehow possible to force the Our Picks content items into a single column (so there aren't any items side-by-side no matter how wide the browser window is - similar to how Instagram on desktop looks).

It's actually very easy to reconfigure Our Picks - starting with a custom block as @Nathan Explosion suggested.

You just need to take a deep breath @breatheheavy 😉 and get to grips with the default block code and reconfigure it to suit.  A few days learning CSS, in particular flex, grid and selectors, pays considerable dividends on the front end. 


We've used promoted items as the basis of our (still! in development ) homepage. The user can reconfigure the view from a simple list, to a grouped view as required - preferences are stored in cookies. A filter (buttons on desktop and dropdown on mobile) allows individual content types to to selected. It's not finished yet (currently considering  implementing Google street view for the jobs section) and for the home page we hope to end up with something close to the Apple News mobile view. Anyway, a few in dev screen grabs below. It's almost exclusively CSS grid based which allows items to easily span multiple columns. So for example you could get featured promoted items to span x columns simply by applying a class at the item level and adding the appropriate css. You can see span (row and column) working in the group and mobile screen shots below.

The grouping feature we provided requires individual items to be wrapped in a container on page load (jQuery wrapall). It could be done in the custom block but I am a better JS coder than I am PHP. Morphing animations between configurations (not shown here obviously) are provided by the excellent Greensock Flip plugin.

This is the home page as it stands. Note filter and grouping options. Global menu location and styling still in flux.





This shows same filtered on Classifieds. Same approach will be used for clubs and blogs home pages.




This shows filtering and grouping. Rode Podcaster is shown as primary item in this case as it's first in the selection. That's a simple css choice. It could also be selected if the underlying content was featured, pinned etc.




Here's the mobile view showing selected topics. Getting closer to the Apple News style as mentioned earlier. Note the HBO topic spans to 100% given it's also a featured item.



I'd say we are about 3/4 through development, although not all the remaining 25% is a go live requirement. Note btw, none of the above items are finished in terms of final appearance, line clamping, call to action etc.

I'll upload our jobs page in a week or so if anybody is interested. It sits on Datatables which we've tested with 5000 rows sitting in the browser -> offers user configurable real time searching 🙂  and filtering, as well as sorting and row and column level grouping - all of it exposed in a rich event driven CSOM.  We currently show all currently selected jobs (and soon to be directories of film studios etc) on a custom MapBox implementation but it's running out of steam, hence the likely and very reluctant £££ move back to Google Maps.

If any of the above is useful I'm happy to share techniques when I have time.


19 minutes ago, christopher-w said:

if anybody is interested

Consider me a person interested, so there's at least one of us. Please don't rush on my or anybody's account but the idea of adding a degree of interactivity to a page by way of filting and sorting has my interest piqued.

Do I recall you were once working on something using Isotope? I had something interesting going on with that once though never got around to finishing it, and then came back to it a couple of years later only to find it no longer worked. Do you make use of Isotope anywhere on a live site?

4 hours ago, Meddysong said:

Do I recall you were once working on something using Isotope

It was my go to app for many things, but Isotope doesn't work well with CSS grid given it relies on absolute transitions for the show/hide animations. So much of what Isotope offers can now be easily implemented with CSS grid, for example this:

    display: grid;
    grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(250px, 1fr));
    grid-gap: 1em;

... controls item flow and will correctly distribute items on desktop and mobile alike (can I use CSS Grid) No more multiple media queries, or slow and cumbersome client side controllers. Just tell the browser how to handle it and it does the rest. Incidentally both Chrome and Firefox offer excellent visual debugging of both grid and flex. For example here:


.. you can see the basic layout described with:  grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(250px, 1fr));

GSAP (Greensock) is also preferred for animation. In case you haven't used it, it offers timeline based animation out of the box and in the case of the Flip plugin allows you to capture DOM state before an action (for example hide photos ...) , and then once it's complete, Flip animates to the end state, giving far greater control than Isotope's easing options.  In case you were wondering, Flip hides the post state DOM changes and then plays them back using its own routines.

Here you can see the Flip code that handles my show/hide filter actions. Note the onLeave/OnEnter callbacks which ease the show/hide states gracefully.

	const state = Flip.getState("#spPromotedGrid > [itemcontainer],.gridSection");

	do something with DOM

	Flip.from(state, {
            duration: 0.4,
            scale: true,
            ease: "power1.inOut",
            stagger: 0.08,
                onLeave: elements => gsap.to(elements, {opacity: 0, scale: 0, duration: .7}),
               onEnter: elements => gsap.fromTo(elements, {opacity: 0, scale: 0}, {opacity: 1, scale: 1, duration: .7})  


4 hours ago, Meddysong said:

Do you make use of Isotope anywhere on a live site?

Not any more.

4 hours ago, Meddysong said:

adding a degree of interactivity to a page by way of filting and sorting has my interest piqued.

I think also you need to maintain state. Not so much with a state machine, but you'd probably want to 'remember' how the user configured the home page. I'm not comfortable with or proficient at writing state to the suite DB, so instead maintain it with cookies, which makes more sense too if someone accesses the site from more than one different sized device.

I would love to see the tech team here present all content types via a simplified, unified interface - both with and without active controllers. The nearest I've seen so far is the 'Our Picks' code which does a good job of dumping all promoted content into a uniform format. All you need to do is remove the carousel controller and it's ready for passive CSS styling and further client side post processing to give you the 'grouped' look I showed earlier.

I no longer consider myself capable of producing code good enough to share with 3rd parties, but if you like we can start a new thread and share techniques like the above - most of which are easily installable via modified block templates. 

Edit: Sorry @Jordan Invision. Hope this hasn't gone too far off topic.



Edited by christopher-w

  • Author
6 hours ago, christopher-w said:


It's actually very easy to reconfigure Our Picks - starting with a custom block as @Nathan Explosion suggested.

You just need to take a deep breath @breatheheavy 😉 and get to grips with the default block code and reconfigure it to suit.  A few days learning CSS, in particular flex, grid and selectors, pays considerable dividends on the front end. 


We've used promoted items as the basis of our (still! in development ) homepage. The user can reconfigure the view from a simple list, to a grouped view as required - preferences are stored in cookies. A filter (buttons on desktop and dropdown on mobile) allows individual content types to to selected. It's not finished yet (currently considering  implementing Google street view for the jobs section) and for the home page we hope to end up with something close to the Apple News mobile view. Anyway, a few in dev screen grabs below. It's almost exclusively CSS grid based which allows items to easily span multiple columns. So for example you could get featured promoted items to span x columns simply by applying a class at the item level and adding the appropriate css. You can see span (row and column) working in the group and mobile screen shots below.

The grouping feature we provided requires individual items to be wrapped in a container on page load (jQuery wrapall). It could be done in the custom block but I am a better JS coder than I am PHP. Morphing animations between configurations (not shown here obviously) are provided by the excellent Greensock Flip plugin.

This is the home page as it stands. Note filter and grouping options. Global menu location and styling still in flux.





This shows same filtered on Classifieds. Same approach will be used for clubs and blogs home pages.




This shows filtering and grouping. Rode Podcaster is shown as primary item in this case as it's first in the selection. That's a simple css choice. It could also be selected if the underlying content was featured, pinned etc.




Here's the mobile view showing selected topics. Getting closer to the Apple News style as mentioned earlier. Note the HBO topic spans to 100% given it's also a featured item.



I'd say we are about 3/4 through development, although not all the remaining 25% is a go live requirement. Note btw, none of the above items are finished in terms of final appearance, line clamping, call to action etc.

I'll upload our jobs page in a week or so if anybody is interested. It sits on Datatables which we've tested with 5000 rows sitting in the browser -> offers user configurable real time searching 🙂  and filtering, as well as sorting and row and column level grouping - all of it exposed in a rich event driven CSOM.  We currently show all currently selected jobs (and soon to be directories of film studios etc) on a custom MapBox implementation but it's running out of steam, hence the likely and very reluctant £££ move back to Google Maps.

If any of the above is useful I'm happy to share techniques when I have time.


Wow 🤯 I love this! This is actually pretty incredible. I'd love to be able to filter by tags. Thing is in my community, the tags are open - meaning anyone can apply up to 5 tags of their choosing (versus preset), so not sure how that'd function. 

I love where your head is at with this! 

Regarding the CSS stuff - I would like to dive further into that world and learn. Maybe the universe will hook me up with some 28 hour days soon 😂 

1 hour ago, christopher-w said:

Sorry @Jordan Invision. Hope this hasn't gone too far off topic.

All good! Do your thing.

I love that the screen shot shows all the items being same height. That looks super slick. I'm curious how that uniformity was accomplished. 

18 hours ago, Jordan Invision said:

Wow 🤯 I love this! This is actually pretty incredible. I'd love to be able to filter by tags. Thing is in my community, the tags are open - meaning anyone can apply up to 5 tags of their choosing (versus preset), so not sure how that'd function. 

There is a filter by tags app in the marketplace and it works well - but if you have lots of tags it can dominate the page.

The alternative is to use an enhanced dropdown with multiselect set to true. This will enable you to search for tags (hidden inside the select component = neat and tidy) and display multiple selections.  I've not tested huge numbers with the dropdown yet, but we've had 5000+ rows in our jobs app, so no reason why a similar number of much simpler tag elements can't be hidden inside a filterable dropdown. Below is how it works on our content selector - it's perfect for mobile.


18 hours ago, Jordan Invision said:

Regarding the CSS stuff - I would like to dive further into that world and learn. Maybe the universe will hook me up with some 28 hour days soon 😂 

You are clearly a very visual person - same as your site. I think learning CSS basics would pay huge dividends for you. It's the easiest and fastest way to give a site a new look, and with the latest CSS tools, it can transform the user experience.

18 hours ago, Jordan Invision said:

I love that the screen shot shows all the items being same height. That looks super slick. I'm curious how that uniformity was accomplished. 

Again using CSS Grid. You can automatically clamp the row height to that of its smallest or largest item.  There's no reason why you can't do this with other CSS methods, but grid is much cleaner and quicker. Some folks use active client size resizing with JS, but in my view it makes for a sluggish page, especially on slower machines.

I'll post more images as we tidy up the design over the next few weeks.


Edited by christopher-w

29 minutes ago, christopher-w said:

You are clearly a very visual person - same as your site. I think learning CSS basics would pay huge dividends for you. It's the easiest and fastest way to give a site a new look, and with the latest CSS tools, it can transform the user experience.

I can second this - most of the changes on my own site are just down to CSS changes in the custom.css file.  Once you know which descriptors affect which elements you can nail things down pretty much the way you visualise it in your mind.  It's well worth looking into - a good place to start is: https://www.w3schools.com/css/

@christopher-w those are some really nice layouts you have there.  I know your site has been a WIP for a long time, but the dividends are paying off for taking your time; I look forward to seeing the finished works when you publish them 🙂


Blimey, that's a lot of detail, @christopher-w. Thank you for taking the time to write it.

22 hours ago, christopher-w said:

It was my go to app for many things, but Isotope doesn't work well with CSS grid given it relies on absolute transitions for the show/hide animations. So much of what Isotope offers can now be easily implemented with CSS grid, for example this:

I wasn't using Isotope specifically for styling but for filtering. In my case, it was a list of "recommended reading", each item having several attributes. A reader would therefore be able to display only those books exhibiting whichever attributes they were interested in. The prototype worked but I came back a couple of years later and the JS was no longer being called for whatever reason.

22 hours ago, christopher-w said:

GSAP (Greensock) is also preferred for animation. In case you haven't used it,

I bought a GSAP subscription a couple of years ago and made a couple of practice tweens. Unfortunately (well, fortunately, I suppose), I've accidentally ended up becoming a writer, which means that the evenings and weekends for tinkering have been in short supply since.

22 hours ago, christopher-w said:

I no longer consider myself capable of producing code good enough to share with 3rd parties, but if you like we can start a new thread and share techniques like the above - most of which are easily installable via modified block templates. 

That's very decent of you, and I'm grateful for your offer but I fear it would soon be a one-man show. I'm afraid I don't have any spare time for the foreseeable future. If you don't think it would bother you, I'd certainly be willing to catch up with you down the line to see whether there's anything useful we could demonstrate for other people's benefit. I'd have to work out what I'm doing on my own site first, though!

22 hours ago, christopher-w said:

Edit: Sorry @Jordan Invision. Hope this hasn't gone too far off topic.

Ah, sorry. That's my fault.

That said, Jordan, I'm not a programmer either but have become fairly proficient in some areas. If you'd like to give the basics a try to see how you get on, I thoroughly recommend Jonas Schmedtmann's "Build Responsive Real World Websites with HTML5 and CSS3" course on Udemy. (As is normal, the full price is expensive but they're having one of their periodic sales during the next few hours.)

20 hours ago, Meddysong said:

I bought a GSAP subscription a couple of years ago and made a couple of practice tweens. Unfortunately (well, fortunately, I suppose), I've accidentally ended up becoming a writer, which means that the evenings and weekends for tinkering have been in short supply since.

Ahhh, that explains the clarity in your comments here. 🙂 Good luck.

Edit: ^ becoming a writer


22 hours ago, Davyc said:

@christopher-w those are some really nice layouts you have there.  I know your site has been a WIP for a long time, but the dividends are paying off for taking your time; I look forward to seeing the finished works when you publish the

Thanks Dave, it's been a while since we first discussed this when I was in St Ives.

We haven't been working non stop though - it comes and goes. We go through cycles of love/hate with the suite. Every now and again we come up against a silly gotcha which takes all the enthusiasm out of the project. And then after a couple of months or so, refreshed, we try again. And on it goes. 

But anyway, we are getting closer, albeit increasingly using less and less of the Invision UI. We are also starting to write our first plugins which seem easy to put together, hopefully leading to less reliance on the marketplace. 

Thanks for your support. I am equally impressed with what you've done with Star Trek, which looks to be unique 🙂.

  • Author
On 5/12/2021 at 6:28 AM, Meddysong said:

Jordan, I'm not a programmer either but have become fairly proficient in some areas. If you'd like to give the basics a try to see how you get on, I thoroughly recommend Jonas Schmedtmann's "Build Responsive Real World Websites with HTML5 and CSS3" course on Udemy. (As is normal, the full price is expensive but they're having one of their periodic sales during the next few hours.)

Ahh thanks for passing this along! You guys are certainly teaching a man how to fish. I have a lot on my plate at the moment so I'm not sure when I can check this out, but I'd like to! 

Perhaps someone here can simply help me figure out how to force each Our Picks content item to be the exact same size via custom.css. Any help there would be greatly appreciated 😇 

On 5/12/2021 at 3:35 AM, christopher-w said:

You are clearly a very visual person - same as your site.

Nailed it btw 😆 

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