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IPB3 to latest IPS version database related upgrade


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Hello there,

I am planning on upgrading an already established community of over 4m users, 30m posts, 15gb DB from IPB3 to the latest version.

The current plan is move db to test environment, run upgrade to IPS4 and then start upgrading apps/plugins and everything. However the main site will still be running on IPB3 until that process is done. My current concern is about transferring over the database after the IPS4 is ready.


What do you think would be the best course of action to achieve? My idea would be to get everything done on the test environment and when the time is right, we will try to merge the IPB3 database with the "newly" made one that supports IPS4. However that may bring more issues and may be more of a pain in the ass to do.


Do you have any suggestions on what course of action would be better and more reliable to achieve that?


PS: The current IPB3 version is heavily edited with many custom plugins/apps.

Edited by Jock3r
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