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Membership Signups and Forms

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Hello everyone,

What is the easiest way to be able to create signup forms for various things in our community. Is the CMS (Pages app) the way to go? I understand that it can be used in a multitude of ways but I am hoping someone here might be able to give me more specifics before I decide to foot the license cost.

Currently we use Google Forms and Spreadsheets to track what we need, but it is cumbersome for our users and our staff to maintain.

  • We need to be able to allow specific members in our community to be able to sign up for things/events, (sometimes providing pics) without having to re-enter all their data.
  • Staff need to be able to action the list in different ways, but mostly to check that we are getting postal addresses, whether there was a donation attached etc.
  • We need to provide (on request) a list of people who participated in these things for auditing purposes. It's almost like an ordering system in some cases, sometimes with money attached sometimes not.
  • Would like it to be within the community database

Side note: We are a very small volunteer organisation and pay for our community through volunteer donations. So getting something like market place is a bit too expensive for us.


Edited by nanotek
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20 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:


Thanks for that. I have already looked at the market place and that is not a suitable option. It doesn’t integrate with the database and outputs to a csv log file apparently. I would rather it be integrated into the database. Probably should have specified that! Apologies

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