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Toggle Menu Item target by Language for swapping DB content


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The system for changing the language, say for blocks, menu items, commerce descriptions and stuff is fantastic. 

What I am suggesting here is a way to provide the illusion that the db serves up different content by language.   This would not work on the front page I suspect.

Let's say you have Events menu item pointing to Events DB.  If you switch to Spanish  the menu will change to Eventos  but  target the Spanish version of that Page with ESP Events DB  

I hope I am a moron and this is already possible.... lol





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Would it be possible, looking at the menu manager, to copy the menu as you add a language.   Initially copies all the parameters and you could change them if you want to to pull off the language trick described above.

And I wrote this without using the word  'just'   🙂   ..... 'cause you know .... why don't you 'just' do it this way.....lol





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