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Require approval before content shows - migrated users


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I'm preparing to migrate from vBulletin 4.2.2.  As a form of spam control, I'd like to set "Require approval before content shows" to yes and remove it after 1 approved piece of content.  However, I'm not clear if this will impact my existing users with at least 1 post whom I bring over in the migration.  Will the function make a connection between the user and their prior posts, or will it force them to go through the approval process for their initial post on Invision?  



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Unfortunately we can't.  We tried to do that a couple of weeks ago, but after attempting to install IPB we realized that we were on PHP 5.6.  Upgrading to 7.1 allowed me to reach the install page, but then the VB forum started having all kinds of oddball issues.  Turns out there is some customization we can't find that is incompatible with our VB forum.  The plan is to take the VB forum offline tomorrow morning, upgrade PHP, install IPB, make the necessary visual modifications, then attempt the migration.  If things go south, we'll downgrade PHP, turn the VB forum back on, and figure out plan C which will likely involve creating a separate environment at our new hoster where we can do it right.  



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