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Big board, lots of forums/clubs -- advice?

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Hi all,

I am at the early stages of migrating/converting a big old forum. To give an idea of numbers, if I can get our archives back in nicely, it currently sits at around 15k forums, 150k topics, 8 mill posts. We currently use many of our forums a lot like clubs are used here, so I'm planning to shift a bunch of those forums to clubs (I'm guessing 2-3k clubs, with avg 4-6 forums inside each one.)

During the conversion process, I've already run into a couple of snags that make it clear that most IPS sites are not dealing with this volume (for example, assigning group permissions to forums appears to be designed for a couple of dozen forums.... Also, IPS support says that they consider more than 100 forums a lot.) So far, I've been able to troubleshoot and push through (albeit slowly), but I'm wondering: are any of you running boards of this size, in particular with this many forums and/or clubs, and if so, have you got any pointers? I know that for vBulletin I ended up going as far as profiling the code and making some point changes for efficiency; I am hoping that isn't necessary here, especially if some kind and industrious soul has already done some optimisation.

Thank you for any ideas or suggestions!

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I'm not sure that the number of topics and posts is your issue. The challenge you'll face is with the number of forums and clubs. I'm not sure that interface things like selecting which forum to move a thread into works well with 15,000 entries in it.

As you encounter hundreds of entries in various configurations, you'll find that this hasn't been priority focus in development, especially with third-party additions. As you deviate from the "norm," it's likely effort will be required.

Could tagging be an alternative to any of this?

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