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Question about sucessive warnings

Gabriel Torres

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Hi there,

Currently we have the configuration below.


The issue our moderators are questioning is this.

If we give a user his second warning, he will be restricted from posting for 7 days.

If, however, within this period we give him another warning (his third, in this case), the system doesn't add the remaining number of days from the previous warning to the new number of days.

For instance, if the user gets his second warning today, and later today he gets his third point, he will be restricted from posting for 15 days instead of 22 days (7 days from the second point + 15 days from the third point).

Is this the intended behavior? Is there any workaround?

Thanks in advance.

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While probably a niche scenario, I'd say what you are describing is likely the intended behavior. Most of the time the system is used to go from "Moderate content" to "Restrict from posting" to "Banned". Ultimately your setup looks like it would ban users each time they get a point, so the other settings seem pretty pointless actually.

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20 hours ago, bfarber said:

Ultimately your setup looks like it would ban users each time they get a point, so the other settings seem pretty pointless actually.

Thanks for the pointers. I actually realized that we shouldn't ban the users with 1-4 points, just restrict their content, and ban only with 5 points. See the new configuration in the screenshot below.

That said, isn't it redundant to have three options (moderate content/restrict from posting/ban) for each warning point? IMO, we should be able to choose only one of the three for each point. (That's where I got confused.) Maybe this is something that could be improved in a future release? Because it doesn't make sense to set more than one option for each warning point.

Thanks! 🙂


Edited by Gabriel Torres
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