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Featured Products block error


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I have been experiencing an issue  when using Featured Products block 

[[Template core/global/forms/nodeCascade is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]]

Tried all themes default and customs allways get the same error...

Tried using  "Something isn't working correctly" feature still didnt fix 

#0 /home//www/forum/system/Node/Model.php(1051): IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord::load(6)
#1 /home//www/forum/system/Node/Model.php(1077): IPS\Node\_Model->parent()
#2 /home//www/forum/uploads/template_27_c8c276c9a99811c050a8036df5d2db06_forms.php(6696): IPS\Node\_Model->parents()
#3 /home//www/forum/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php(61): IPS\Theme\Cache\class_core_global_forms->nodeCascade(Array, false, 'view', false, NULL, Array, Object(Closure), true, Array, '\\IPS\\nexus\\Pack...', Array, Array, NULL, Array, NULL, true, Array)
#4 /home//www/forum/uploads/template_27_c8c276c9a99811c050a8036df5d2db06_forms.php(6412): IPS\Theme\_SandboxedTemplate->__call('nodeCascade', Array)
#5 /home//www/forum/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php(61): IPS\Theme\Cache\class_core_global_forms->node('package', '[]', true, Object(IPS\Http\Url\Internal), 'menu__nexus_sto...', Array, NULL, NULL, 'view', false, NULL, Array, Object(Closure), Array, Array, true, Array, '\\IPS\\nexus\\Pack...', Array, Array, NULL, Array, false, true, Array, false)
#6 /home//www/forum/system/Helpers/Form/Node.php(390): IPS\Theme\_SandboxedTemplate->__call('node', Array)
#7 /home//www/forum/system/Helpers/Form/FormAbstract.php(270): IPS\Helpers\Form\_Node->html()
#8 /home//www/forum/uploads/template_27_1797cff4ced1a8a742505945736734d7_widgets.php(1336): IPS\Helpers\Form\_FormAbstract->rowHtml(Object(IPS\Helpers\Form))
#9 /home//www/forum/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php(61): IPS\Theme\Cache\class_core_front_widgets->formTemplate(Object(IPS\nexus\widgets\featuredProduct), 'form', Object(IPS\Http\Url\Internal), Array, Array, Array, 134217728, 'ipsForm_horizon...', Array, Array, Object(IPS\Helpers\Form), Array)
#10 /home//www/forum/system/Helpers/Form/Form.php(519): IPS\Theme\_SandboxedTemplate->__call('formTemplate', Array)
#11 /home//www/forum/applications/cms/modules/front/pages/builder.php(264): IPS\Helpers\_Form->customTemplate(Array, Object(IPS\nexus\widgets\featuredProduct))
#12 /home//www/forum/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(90): IPS\cms\modules\front\pages\_builder->getConfiguration()
#13 /home//www/forum/applications/core/modules/front/system/widgets.php(38): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
#14 /home//www/forum/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(152): IPS\core\modules\front\system\_widgets->execute()
#15 /home//www/forum/index.php(14): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
#16 {main}

Any idea what can it be ?

Edited by drsilva
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Did this happen out of nowhere or did you do any modification/change to your forum prior to getting that error?

You can open a ticket at your Client Area as well about this btw. (I am assuming that this is an Ips widget and not from a third party plugin/app).

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1 minute ago, Miss_B said:

Did this happen out of nowhere or did you do any modification/change to your forum prior to getting that error?

You can open a ticket at your Client Area as well about this btw. (I am assuming that this is an Ips widget and not from a third party plugin/app).

Thanks, I will

I never used this widget before, its the first time im using 

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