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FAVICON seemed to break, but I think its more than that.

Imperial Gaming

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Hey guys,

I thought I'd put this here since the 'contact us' area works for me but the client area is locked (gotta find me password again) and any help is good help. So, tonight I got told by the folks who use my forums that this error kept popping up for them: 
[[Template core/front/global/favico is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]]

So I went to check it out and was faced down with this error, now, the thing with this is that when I refresh it once, the AdminCP decides that I can access the stuff, but the formatting is scuffed.

Here is an image of what is showing when it "works"


So I go to the original area where the problem is supposedly coming from from within the theme's HTML and have a look at it, and I'm kind of uneducated when it comes to this stuff, but I can't see a difference between the edit and the default theme?


I'd just like to know if anyone sees something that I don't or can help me in anyway, this is supppperr scuffed at the moment.

Thanks in advance,

- Bailey from Imperial Gaming

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