Invision Community 4: SEO, prepare for v5 and dormant account notifications Matt November 11, 2024Nov 11
Posted October 9, 20204 yr Hello I using php script for load banned players from my custom database (no from IPS database) in block with php support. But loading page is too long. Here: But here in pure page is loaded instatly. Why it takes so long in IPS?
October 10, 20204 yr Author 12 hours ago, bfarber said: Without seeing the code it would be very difficult to say echo '<script src=""></script>'; $page = 1; if(isset($_GET['p']) || !empty($_GET['p'])) { $page = ceil(intval($_GET['p'])); } $servername = ""; $username = ""; $password = ""; $connect = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password); if ($connect->connect_error) { exit("Connection failed: " . $connect->connect_error); } $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) from `banlist_csgo`.`ctbanned_players`"; $result = $connect->query($sql); $pocetbanu = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_NUM); $maxpages = ceil($pocetbanu[0] / 50); if($page > $maxpages) $page = $maxpages; $limit = $page * 50 - 50; $sql = "SELECT * FROM `banlist_csgo`.`ctbanned_players` ORDER BY `banlist_csgo`.`ctbanned_players`.`bantime` DESC LIMIT $limit, 50"; $result = $connect->query($sql); $steam = \IPS\steam\Profile::load(\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id); if (strlen($steam->steamid) > 0) { $sql = "SELECT `servers`.`players`.`ctbancas` FROM `servers`.`players` WHERE `servers`.`players`.`steamid` = $steam->steamid"; $isbanned = $connect->query($sql); if ($isbanned->num_rows > 0) { $row = $isbanned->fetch_assoc(); if ($row["ctbancas"] > 0 || $row["ctbancas"] == -1) { echo '<div class="ipsMessage ipsMessage_warning">Na našich JB serverech máš aktivní CT ban.</div>'; } else { echo '<div class="ipsMessage ipsMessage_success">Na našich JB serverech nemáš aktivní CT ban. Můžeš v klidu hrát za dozorce.</div>'; } } } $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) from `banlist_csgo`.`ctbanned_players` WHERE `banlist_csgo`.`ctbanned_players`.`bantime` >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - 86400"; $banu_pocet = $connect->query($sql); $denbanu = $banu_pocet->fetch_array(MYSQLI_NUM); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) from `banlist_csgo`.`ctbanned_players` WHERE `banlist_csgo`.`ctbanned_players`.`bantime` >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - 604800"; $banu_pocet = $connect->query($sql); $tydenbanu = $banu_pocet->fetch_array(MYSQLI_NUM); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) from `banlist_csgo`.`ctbanned_players` WHERE `banlist_csgo`.`ctbanned_players`.`bantime` >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - 2592000"; $banu_pocet = $connect->query($sql); $mesicbanu = $banu_pocet->fetch_array(MYSQLI_NUM); echo '<div class="ipsBox main_stats_bg" style="border: 1px solid #751a19;padding-left: 10px;padding-right: 10px;padding-top: 10px;margin-bottom: 10px;line-height: 16px;"> <ol class="ipsGrid"> <li class="ipsGrid_span3 ipsType_center"> <div style="font-size: 28px;background: -webkit-linear-gradient(180deg,#751a19 0%,#ee3531 100%);background: linear-gradient(180deg,#751a19 0%,#ee3531 100%);-webkit-background-clip: text;-webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;"><i class="fa fa-ban"></i></div> <div class="ipsStreamItem_container"> <div class="ipsStreamItem_header ipsSpacer_top ipsSpacer_half"> <span class="ipsType_reset" style="font-weight: 800;">Celkem banů</span> </div> <span class="font-initial" style="font-weight: 200;color: white;">'.$pocetbanu[0].'</span> </div> </li> <li class="ipsGrid_span3 ipsType_center"> <div style="font-size: 28px;background: -webkit-linear-gradient(180deg,#751a19 0%,#ee3531 100%);background: linear-gradient(180deg,#751a19 0%,#ee3531 100%);-webkit-background-clip: text;-webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;"><i class="fa fa-area-chart"></i></div> <div class="ipsStreamItem_container"> <div class="ipsStreamItem_header ipsSpacer_top ipsSpacer_half"> <span class="ipsType_reset" style="font-weight: 800;">za den</span> </div> <span class="font-initial" style="font-weight: 200;color: white;">'.$denbanu[0].'</span> </div> </li> <li class="ipsGrid_span3 ipsType_center"> <div style="font-size: 28px;background: -webkit-linear-gradient(180deg,#751a19 0%,#ee3531 100%);background: linear-gradient(180deg,#751a19 0%,#ee3531 100%);-webkit-background-clip: text;-webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;"><i class="fa fa-calendar-o"></i></div> <div class="ipsStreamItem_container"> <div class="ipsStreamItem_header ipsSpacer_top ipsSpacer_half"> <span class="ipsType_reset" style="font-weight: 800;">za týden</span> </div> <span class="font-initial" style="font-weight: 200;color: white;">'.$tydenbanu[0].'</span> </div> </li> <li class="ipsGrid_span3 ipsType_center"> <div style="font-size: 28px;background: -webkit-linear-gradient(180deg,#751a19 0%,#ee3531 100%);background: linear-gradient(180deg,#751a19 0%,#ee3531 100%);-webkit-background-clip: text;-webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;"><i class="fa fa-calendar"></i></div> <div class="ipsStreamItem_container"> <div class="ipsStreamItem_header ipsSpacer_top ipsSpacer_half"> <span class="ipsType_reset" style="font-weight: 800;">za měsíc</span> </div> <span class="font-initial" style="font-weight: 200;color: white;">'.$mesicbanu[0].'</span> </div> </li> </ol> </div>'; echo '<div class="ipsBox"><table style="width: 100%;"><tbody> <tr class="ipsButtonBar ipsPad_half ipsClearfix ipsClear" style="height: 35px;"> <td> </td> <td style="width:80px;">Datum</td> <td>Hráč</td> <td>Admin</td> <td>Důvod</td> <td style="width:120px;">Délka</td> </tr>'; $num = 0; if ($result->num_rows > 0) { while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $num++; $script = "'layer_$num'"; $steamid64 = $row["banned_sid64"]; $adminid64 = $row["admin_sid64"]; $name; $admin_name; if(!isset($adminid64) || empty($adminid64) || $adminid64 == '') { $admin_name = "Anti-Cheat"; } else { $sql_admin = "SELECT `webid` FROM `banlist_csgo`.`admin_list` WHERE `steamid` = '$adminid64'"; $result_admin = $connect->query($sql_admin); $value = $result_admin->fetch_object(); $webid = intval($value->webid); $admin_name = '{expression="\IPS\Member::load( '.$webid.' )->link()" raw="true"}'; } $lenght = 0; if($row["bancas"] == -1) { $lenght = "Trvale"; } else { $lenght = $row["bancas"]; $charl; if($lenght <= 3599) { $gmdata = $lenght / 60; if($gmdata == 1) $charl = minuta; else if($gmdata < 5) $charl = minuty; else $charl = minut; $lenght = "$gmdata $charl"; } else if($lenght <= 86399) { $gmdata = ($lenght / 60) / 60; if($gmdata == 1) $charl = hodina; else if($gmdata < 5) $charl = hodiny; else $charl = hodin; $lenght = "$gmdata $charl"; } else if($lenght >= 86400) { $gmdata = (($lenght / 60) / 60) / 24; if($gmdata == 1) $charl = den; else if($gmdata < 5) $charl = dny; else $charl = dní; $lenght = "$gmdata $charl"; } } $banicon; if($row["server_id"] == -1) { $banicon = '<i class="fa fa-globe" style="width: 20px;"></i>'; $steam = file_get_contents("$steamid64", true); $steamarray = json_decode($steam, true); $name = $steamarray['response']['players'][0]['personaname']; $name = str_replace("<", "?", $name); $name = str_replace(">", "?", $name); } else { $server_port = $row["server_id"]; $banicon = '<img src="" style="width: 20px;">'; $sql_name = "SELECT `lastnick` FROM `server_$server_port`.`players` WHERE `steamid` = '$steamid64'"; $result_name = $connect->query($sql_name); $value = $result_name->fetch_object(); $name = $value->lastnick; } $hystorybans; $sql_bans = "SELECT `pocetban` FROM `servers`.`players` WHERE `steamid` = '$steamid64'"; $result_bans = $connect->query($sql_bans); $value = $result_bans->fetch_object(); $hystorybans = $value->pocetban; $servername = "neznámo kde"; if($row["server_id"] == 27408) $servername = "Fun Ultimate | FunMod"; else if($row["server_id"] == 27612) $servername = "Fun Ultimate | FunMod | MONTHLY RESET"; else if($row["server_id"] == 27563) $servername = "AWP Ultimate | Sniper War"; else if($row["server_id"] == 27387) $servername = "AWP Ultimate | No Scope Only"; else if($row["server_id"] == 27105) $servername = "AWP Server | Sniper War"; else if($row["server_id"] == 27698) $servername = "ScoutzKnivez Ultimate | Flying Scoutsman"; else if($row["server_id"] == 27522) $servername = "Deagle Ultimate | Deagle Madness"; else if($row["server_id"] == 27770) $servername = "USP Ultimate | USP Infinity"; else if($row["server_id"] == 27843) $servername = "AIM Ultimate | AK/M4 Shootout"; else if($row["server_id"] == 27679) $servername = "JailBreak Ultimate | CZ/SK #1"; else if($row["server_id"] == 27654) $servername = "JailBreak Ultimate | CZ/SK #2"; else if($row["server_id"] == 27234) $servername = "AWP Server | Sniper Mayhem"; else if($row["server_id"] == -1) $servername = "Web Ban"; echo '<form name="details" metdod="POST"></form> <tr onclick="NewToggleLayer('.$script.')" class="ipsDataItem ipsDataItem_responsivePhoto" style="height: 31px;"> <td data-ipstruncate="" data-ipstruncate-size="1 lines" data-ipstruncate-type="remove" style="text-align: center;">'.$banicon.'</td> <td data-ipstruncate="" data-ipstruncate-size="1 lines" data-ipstruncate-type="remove">'.date("d.m.Y",$row["bantime"]).'</td> <td data-ipstruncate="" data-ipstruncate-size="1 lines" data-ipstruncate-type="remove"><i class="ipsFlag ipsFlag-'.strtolower($row["country"]).'"></i> '.$name.'</td> <td data-ipstruncate="" data-ipstruncate-size="1 lines" data-ipstruncate-type="remove">'.$admin_name.'</td> <td data-ipstruncate="" data-ipstruncate-size="1 lines" data-ipstruncate-type="remove">'.$row["raseon"].'</td> <td data-ipstruncate="" data-ipstruncate-size="1 lines" data-ipstruncate-type="remove">'.$lenght.'</td> </tr> <tr id=',$script,' style="display:none;"> <td colspan="9"> <div style="display:none;" align="center"> <input type="hidden" name="bid" value="440"> <table class="details"> <tbody> <tr class="info"> <td style="font-weight: bold;">Nickname</td> <td>'.$name.'</td> </tr> <tr class="info"> <td style="font-weight: bold;">Steam ID</td> <td>'.$row["banned_sid2"].'</td> </tr> <tr class="info"> <td style="font-weight: bold;">SteamCommunity ID</td> <td> <a target="_blank" href="'.$steamid64.'" tooltip="Zobrazit Steam profil">'.$steamid64.'</a> </td> </tr> <tr class="info"> <td style="font-weight: bold;">Důvod</td> <td>'.$row["raseon"].'</td> </tr> <tr class="info"> <td style="font-weight: bold;">Zabanován dne</td> <td>'.date("d.m.Y-H:i:s",$row["bantime"]).'</td> </tr> <tr class="info"> <td style="font-weight: bold;">Zabanovaný adminem</td> <td>'.$admin_name.'</td> </tr> <tr class="info"> <td style="font-weight: bold;">Zabanovaný na</td> <td>'.$servername.'</td> </tr> <tr class="info" style="border: 0"> <td style="font-weight: bold;">Celkem obdržených banů</td> <td>'.$hystorybans.'</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <span class="ipsDataItem_generic"><a href="" class="ipsButton ipsButton_primary ipsButton_verySmall ipsPos_center">Požádat o UnBan</a></span> <span class="ipsDataItem_generic"><a href="" class="ipsButton ipsButton_primary ipsButton_verySmall ipsPos_center">Vykoupit se</a></span> </div> </td> </tr>'; } } echo '</tbody> </table>'; echo '<div class="ipsButtonBar ipsPad_half ipsClearfix ipsClear">'; echo '<div data-role="tablePagination">'; echo '<ul class="ipsPagination" id="elPagination_878b1deee75de787a7bf387365458ac0_1649182512" data-ipspagination-seopagination="true" data-pages="'.$maxpage.'" data-ipspagination="" data-ipspagination-pages="'.$maxpage.'" data-ipspagination-perpage="50">'; if($page == 1) { $prevpage = $page - 1; echo '<li class="ipsPagination_first ipsPagination_inactive" style="margin-right: 3px;"><a href="" rel="first" data-page="1" data-ipstooltip="" title="První stránka"><i class="fa fa-angle-double-left"></i></a></li>'; echo '<li class="ipsPagination_prev ipsPagination_inactive" style="margin-right: 3px;"><a href="" rel="prev" data-page="'.$prevpage.'" data-ipstooltip="" title="Předchozí stránka">Předchozí</a></li>'; } else { $prevpage = $page - 1; echo '<li class="ipsPagination_first" style="margin-right: 3px;"><a href="" rel="first" data-page="1" data-ipstooltip="" title="První stránka"><i class="fa fa-angle-double-left"></i></a></li>'; echo '<li class="ipsPagination_prev" style="margin-right: 3px;"><a href="'.$prevpage.'" rel="prev" data-page="'.$prevpage.'" data-ipstooltip="" title="Předchozí stránka">Předchozí</a></li>'; } if($page - 3 >= 1) { $thispage = $page - 3; echo '<li class="ipsPagination_page" style="margin-right: 3px;"><a href="'.$thispage.'" data-page="'.$thispage.'">'.$thispage.'</a></li>'; } if($page - 2 >= 1) { $thispage = $page - 2; echo '<li class="ipsPagination_page" style="margin-right: 3px;"><a href="'.$thispage.'" data-page="'.$thispage.'">'.$thispage.'</a></li>'; } if($page - 1 >= 1) { $thispage = $page - 1; echo '<li class="ipsPagination_page" style="margin-right: 3px;"><a href="'.$thispage.'" data-page="'.$thispage.'">'.$thispage.'</a></li>'; } echo '<li class="ipsPagination_page ipsPagination_active" style="margin-right: 3px;"><a href="'.$page.'" data-page="'.$page.'">'.$page.'</a></li>'; if($page + 1 <= $maxpages) { $thispage = $page + 1; echo '<li class="ipsPagination_page" style="margin-right: 3px;"><a href="'.$thispage.'" data-page="'.$thispage.'">'.$thispage.'</a></li>'; } if($page + 2 <= $maxpages) { $thispage = $page + 2; echo '<li class="ipsPagination_page" style="margin-right: 3px;"><a href="'.$thispage.'" data-page="'.$thispage.'">'.$thispage.'</a></li>'; } if($page + 3 <= $maxpages) { $thispage = $page + 3; echo '<li class="ipsPagination_page" style="margin-right: 3px;"><a href="'.$thispage.'" data-page="'.$thispage.'">'.$thispage.'</a></li>'; } if($page == $maxpages) { $nextpage = $page + 1; echo '<li class="ipsPagination_next ipsPagination_inactive" style="margin-right: 3px;"><a href="" rel="next" data-page="'.$nextpage.'" data-ipstooltip="" _title="Další stránka">Další</a></li>'; echo '<li class="ipsPagination_last ipsPagination_inactive" style="margin-right: 3px;"><a href="" rel="last" data-page="'.$maxpages.'" data-ipstooltip="" _title="Poslední stránka"><i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i></a></li>'; } else { $nextpage = $page + 1; echo '<li class="ipsPagination_next" style="margin-right: 3px;"><a href="'.$nextpage.'" rel="next" data-page="'.$nextpage.'" data-ipstooltip="" _title="Další stránka">Další</a></li>'; echo '<li class="ipsPagination_last" style="margin-right: 3px;"><a href="'.$maxpages.'" rel="last" data-page="'.$maxpages.'" data-ipstooltip="" _title="Poslední stránka"><i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i></a></li>'; } echo '<li class="ipsPagination_pageJump"> <a href="#" data-ipsmenu="" data-ipsmenu-closeonclick="false" data-ipsmenu-appendto="#elPagination_878b1deee75de787a7bf387365458ac0_1649182512" id="elPagination_878b1deee75de787a7bf387365458ac0_1649182512_jump">Stránka 1 z '.$maxpages.' <i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></a> </li> <div class="ipsMenu ipsMenu_narrow ipsPad ipsHide ipsMenu_topCenter" id="elPagination_878b1deee75de787a7bf387365458ac0_1649182512_jump_menu" style="left: 131.141px; top: 2235.33px; position: absolute; z-index: 5050; opacity: 1; display: none;" animating="false"> <form accept-charset="utf-8" method="get" action="" data-role="pageJump"> <ul class="ipsForm ipsForm_horizontal"> <li class="ipsFieldRow"> <input type="number" min="1" max="'.$maxpages.'" placeholder="Číslo stránky" class="ipsField_fullWidth" name="p"> </li> <li class="ipsFieldRow ipsFieldRow_fullWidth"> <input type="submit" class="ipsButton_fullWidth ipsButton ipsButton_verySmall ipsButton_primary" value="Jdi"> </li> </ul> </form> </div> </ul> </div> </div></div>'; $connect->close(); Edited October 10, 20204 yr by Zdeněk Tůma
October 12, 20204 yr So what is different about ctbans.php exactly? Is it still loading our framework? Reason I ask is because there are several potential possibilities with this code (it's a significant amount of code to visually browse and try to just guess at issues), so identifying the differences between the two pages is step 1. I notice for instance you're making an external HTTP request inside a loop which could surely be a cause: $steam = file_get_contents("$steamid64", true); This code sample is also loading members inside a loop so that could potentially add overhead not present in a standalone file. But I don't exactly know what the differences are between the two files to know for sure.