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Possible to not use Custom CSS in mobile view?

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There is not a separate mobile view in our software as a responsive architecture is used (aka we adapt the view based on screen-size). CSS loads for a whole page regardless of what screen-size is used. You would need to use media queries to specify what parts of your custom CSS should render for certain screen-sizes: https://www.w3schools.com/Css/css_rwd_mediaqueries.asp

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7 minutes ago, Jim M said:

There is not a separate mobile view in our software as a responsive architecture is used (aka we adapt the view based on screen-size). CSS loads for a whole page regardless of what screen-size is used. You would need to use media queries to specify what parts of your custom CSS should render for certain screen-sizes: https://www.w3schools.com/Css/css_rwd_mediaqueries.asp

Ok...fair enough bu what are we to do if we want to run a larger logo and taller header?  The menu icon is now in the header instead of the nav bar in the mobile view so If I make my logo and header any bigger, it messes with the menu icon!  Why couldn't it stay the way it was in 4.4.11?

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