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You can disable the display of posted images from ACP > Forums > Settings > Forum Settings > Topic Summary Settings and deselect the "posted images" checkbox, however it seems rather odd that there would be blanks like that present. I'd suggest what you're seeing is either a bug or perhaps the result (total speculation here) of the image proxy routine that runs during the upgrade of not being complete.

You may want to ask support for help. It does not display here unless there are actual images.

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Thanks Paul.

It turned out to be a bug with the CiC upgrade process and Amazon S3 storage. IPS Support has a possible fix in QA.

Basically, it reset our file storage to a local S3 instance rather than our external one. In the time between us finding this out and reverting, those images had been posted, we reset  the storage configuration and most of our older images have been restored. The ones in the image above fell between the changes of S3 storage which means they've been "registered" as posted images but I haven't yet moved them across to the external storage.

Thanks again for your help.

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