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Who can Rebuild a Data Base

Mark White

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Ever since I migrated up to 4.4 I seem to have broken my site.

I did have it up and running for a week looking great. Then I broke it again.

I have roughly 500 members and a lot of post and threads the images I could care less...

Is there anyone who can look at it and tell me if you can salvage anything related to my content of members in my broken down data base?

Please send me a PM and I will show you where to grab the DB to look at it. If you think you can repair or import it into my site we can work something out that would be great.


Mark White



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What's wrong exactly that makes you think the database is broken?

Running the support tool in the AdminCP will check the database structure and allow you to repair it automatically by the way. If it's something like a missing column, this is easily resolved.

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