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Want to show the appreciation for Matt for his help


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In early September I began taking steps in getting everything ready for my community upgrade from 3.4 to 4.4 version. Reading, researching, planning and so on. It was a long long road ahead... And there's still some way left to go.

But one serious thing has put halt on the whole process and derailed everything. The test upgrade I ran to get to 4.4 version did not even get off the ground because of some strange database errors. Ticket was submitted and... it was in Tier III for almost 4 weeks. I gave my all and more to try and fix it, I have made some progress but not nearly enough. Launch deadline was approaching quickly. As a last resort I have reached out to @Matt explained the situation and he answered my call for help.

Matt personally performed the upgrade successfully and in did so the next day! He was very attentive, kind and professional throughout the whole situation.

Just want to show my appreciation publicly.
Sincerely Max.

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