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Cloudflare SSL - Avatars don't display

Victor Mackey

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So I have a self-hosted forum and I finally got SSL through Cloudflare. Did everything I was supposed to do, forum works great, but avatars don't load. Randomly. Some avatars work fine for everyone, others don't at all. 

If I go to the avatar's direct URL, it says 403 forbidden. I don't get it. And sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Is there something I'm missing?

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The use of http or https must be controlled by the value of the "board_url" (or "base_url") variable in the conf_global.php file, not by an .htaccess redirect (which can cause issues).

Please see this guide for setting up your site to use https:


and make sure to remove that line from your .htaccess file.

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Hi Mark. Yup, saw the guide, used it to set up the SSL and everything worked fine except for the avatars. After the .htaccess edit, everything worked fine. So the issue is resolved.

BTW, I can't seem to change the License Key to the "https://" URL. Clicking change gives me an error. Should I open up a ticket for it, or is it not that important?


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23 hours ago, Victor Mackey said:

Update: The issue seems to be in the .htaccess. If I rename it, it works. I also looked in it a bit, I have this:

I put https :// in there and it seems to have fixed it for now. Was that the issue?

Yes. The htaccess command appears to be attempting to block "hotlinked" files (i.e. files linked to by a domain different than yours), but originally only allowed "http://yoursite.com" while the URL was updated to "https://yoursite.com".

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