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Birthdays Age Problem

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I've only just noticed that the age in years shown for the daily birthday list changes at some point during the day, updating to the correct new age from what would have been correct prior to the birthday. I first noticed it a couple of days ago, but thought I was seeing things. I've now been able to confirm it.

To explain in more detail, if someone's turning 50 on a particular day, and they show in the birthdays list in the sidebar, it will show their age as 49 initially (leading you to believe they're turning 49, rather than 50). Then at some point during the day that I've yet to determine, the number will increment to the correct value.

Any idea what's going on? I've embarrassed myself once already over this!


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On 8/10/2018 at 10:59 PM, Large Scale Planes said:

I've only just noticed that the age in years shown for the daily birthday list changes at some point during the day, updating to the correct new age from what would have been correct prior to the birthday. I first noticed it a couple of days ago, but thought I was seeing things. I've now been able to confirm it.

To explain in more detail, if someone's turning 50 on a particular day, and they show in the birthdays list in the sidebar, it will show their age as 49 initially (leading you to believe they're turning 49, rather than 50). Then at some point during the day that I've yet to determine, the number will increment to the correct value.

Any idea what's going on? I've embarrassed myself once already over this!


I don't know if the birthday is a background task or what, but I think it's worthwhile to bring to the attention of IPS.  My guess is that the birthday updates are triggered off of some task that runs on that particular day, and not at midnight of the night prior.  

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