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Affiliate Directory


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  • 2 weeks later...

2 new options added.

  • Anytime an user clicks on the affiliate image and/or title, it will be recorded. Depending on their permissions users now will be able to see who clicked their affiliates.
  • Affiliates can be moderated for groups before they are displayed. Users with the appropriate permissions can review the moderated affiliates in the ModCp.
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

As we discussed

Incomplete product with errors.

The bad:  Lots of undisclosed basic things that still need to be ironed out.  This really is beta software not a complete product.

1. There is no way to sort how the links appear to the user.  DESPITE the fact that you can order links in the ACP... it has ZERO effect on how the user sees it.  This was not disclosed and cannot be discovered until you purchase.  Had I known this basic fact, would not waste my money on this.  Not having the ability to sort links should be both disclosed and corrected.  Interestingly... you can sort the way the categories appear and making changes in the ACP does change how they appear on the live site.

2. Cannot add one link to multiple categories.  If you have one link that belongs in multiple categories, you need to enter that link more than one time into each category.  That would of course create multiple links on the home listing.

3. Issues with how images/links appear!  If you are using the "descriptions" field, the links do not show up straight, only if there is an equal number per row and even such, does not always work. See below.  Note it is used on a basic IPS site, no custom templates. 


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50 minutes ago, Maksim said:

As we discussed

Incomplete product with errors.

The bad:  Lots of undisclosed basic things that still need to be ironed out.  This really is beta software not a complete product.

1. There is no way to sort how the links appear to the user.  DESPITE the fact that you can order links in the ACP... it has ZERO effect on how the user sees it.  This was not disclosed and cannot be discovered until you purchase.  Had I known this basic fact, would not waste my money on this.  Not having the ability to sort links should be both disclosed and corrected.  Interestingly... you can sort the way the categories appear and making changes in the ACP does change how they appear on the live site.

2. Cannot add one link to multiple categories.  If you have one link that belongs in multiple categories, you need to enter that link more than one time into each category.  That would of course create multiple links on the home listing.

3. Issues with how images/links appear!  If you are using the "descriptions" field, the links do not show up straight, only if there is an equal number per row and even such, does not always work. See below.  Note it is used on a basic IPS site, no custom templates. 


1) In the Acp you can order the Categories, which will appear on the front side too. It is not for affiliates. The order and sorting of the affiliates has been shown in the app 's support topic.

2) Nowhere it says that such function exist in my app. I gave you access to my forum where you tested it thoughly and I answered every single pre sale question that you had. The thing with you is that besides asking multiple times for a discount, after you purchased it, you started demanding 10 different new features to be added at no cost. And big features too. I am sorry but it does not work that way as I explained it to you.

3) The description field is there to add a single line description and not to write novels. But you can disable it.


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  • 1 year later...
30 minutes ago, Mercury5 said:


Does this work for 4.4?

Developer left us and it's no longer available to download/purchase:




But I have good news for you - almost everything from this app you can build by Pages app. It's very powerfull and flexible app. 😉

Edited by DawPi
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