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Using JavaScritp in pages or blocks

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Hello everyone..

I have a page developed with html, css and js, which I can see correctly if I publish it as a web page http://lek-go.cl/foro/home/index.html without wanting to integrate this development into pages or blocks javascript actions do not succeed that these work well, http://www.lek-go.cl/foro/index.php?/lek-go/

Any suggestions to use javascript in pages or blocks?

Right view



Incorrect view


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The process is correct and Heosforo’s comment is important as well. 

Check in the developer console what is going wrong. There might be conflicts if you try embed full frameworks or there might be other problems. 

For example, those file are called but missing:


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Hello to all ...

I have managed to find the solution to this problem:

1) It is not necessary to upload the jquery JS to the custom codes, the IPS interprets them perfectly.

2) The execution of jquery code must be set in order, that is, at the end of the chain of codes (I hope this explanation is understood)

Now the code works perfectly.

Thanks and regards.

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