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Hey @goldmorphin this is actually something that is working as intended. Manually adding the member is like an indefinite subscription to that subscription so upgrading/downgrading is not an option.

What I recommend is, instead of manually adding them to a subscription, generate an invoice for them and mark it as paid. This will also auto-remove the subscription once their test period or win period is over and would allow them to upgrade or downgrade their subscription as well.

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@Jennifer M


Manually adding the member is like an indefinite subscription to that subscription so upgrading/downgrading is not an option.


Yes, member can indefinite subscription for "this" package, but why it cannot subscribe to another after some time? Which is the fundamental difference how he got a subscription? (by purchasing or through an administrator)

I see that in code there is a check for whether there was a purchase (invoice), it seems to me correct to add an exception that if the invoice doesn't exist, then the price is calculated from the cost of the current package.

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Could you provide a better explanation of why you need it to work this way so we can see about possibly making changes in the future? At this time, creating a free subscription package called "trial" with no renewal sounds more like what you're talking about. I'd love to know how you use it so we can better understand it.

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