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Members Shop ( Support Topic )


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Hi there, currently testing this app before populating it with items (via profile gifts) and launching it with my community. I was wondering if I could suggest a slight UI tweak for the Mystery Box, to make it a bit more engaging with members using it? At the moment, the notification on whether a user wins/loses appears at the bottom (where you usually get message notifications etc). Could the ipsAlert dialog be used instead?

Some quick examples of what I mean:

Lose Dialog:

Could contain: File, Webpage, Business Card, Paper, Text

Win Dialog (with item image):

Could contain: File, Webpage, Computer, Electronics, Pc

Maybe there is a template for membersshop that lets me play with this that I'm missing, but thought I'd put it out there as a suggestion if not? I know that placing the 'sorry you didn't win' notice at the bottom makes sense in that it doesn't put up annoying popups for users buying the same item over again, but I think for Mystery Box specifically it could add some visual excitement to a user winning something or not. 🙂 

Also, I think someone might have suggested this before, but if it's possible to consider setting individual Win % ratios for each Item in a Mystery Box, that would be hugely beneficial for what I'd like to use Members Shop + Profile Gifts for. 

Thank you for your hard work on this app, it's a great piece of software for my community!

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On 1/25/2023 at 8:14 PM, DSystem said:

Ola! @Adriano Faria

I found a bug with reactions and credits.

I configured here that each positive reaction generates 10 credits. If the member who gave the positive reaction removes it the 10 credits are removed as they should.

But if a moderator removes the positive reaction from another member of the forum the reaction is removed but the credits are not removed.

Can you help me about this problem?

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I understand!

But see if you can help me. With this problem, moderators end up not being able to remove credits from members who have gained credits irregularly. What could be resolved with just a warning and taking credits ends up generating a ban. My forum depends a lot on the credits system to work perfectly.

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Taking a look now.

On 1/25/2023 at 8:14 PM, DSystem said:

But if a moderator removes the positive reaction from another member of the forum the reaction is removed but the credits are not removed.

Can you clarify? Are you saying a moderator is able to remove the reaction given by another member? I mean, John Doe reacted to content from Mary Doe, then a moderator removes the reaction from John Doe? Is that it? How do you do that?

Now if you're saying that a moderator reacts to content and removes the reaction, the points are deducted as it should:


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On 1/25/2023 at 8:14 PM, DSystem said:

Ola! @Adriano Faria

I found a bug with reactions and credits.

I configured here that each positive reaction generates 10 credits. If the member who gave the positive reaction removes it the 10 credits are removed as they should.

But if a moderator removes the positive reaction from another member of the forum the reaction is removed but the credits are not removed.


16 hours ago, Adriano Faria said:

Can you clarify? Are you saying a moderator is able to remove the reaction given by another member? I mean, John Doe reacted to content from Mary Doe, then a moderator removes the reaction from John Doe? Is that it? How do you do that?

After watching your video, I can say for sure I forgot this... indeed, you can remove reactions directly in the popup that shows who reacted to the content:


The app doesn't extend this specific method, that's why it doesn't decrease.

I'll take a look. 👍

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...
On 10/28/2021 at 4:56 PM, Tripp★ said:

I'm still having problems with two things:

  1. When setting Member Upgrades to permanent, for some reason after a few minutes of the user moving around the site, checking their profile and so on, it reverts back to their previous usergroup. I'm really not sure why this keeps happening.
  2. Bank Interest doesn't seem to work for anyone other than users with Administrator permissions. It seems to give some user groups interest, but not others - despite having these settings set in their usergroup settings. So I set up to accounts, one with admin privileges (ACP -> Staff -> Administrators) and one without. I then fired the interest task manually tasks and sure enough the one with Administrator privileges got interest, the one without didn't.

Were these problems ever fixed in the end?

The first issue seemed to be fixed when I manually set the column `expire_time_date` from INT to BIGINT or something like that. But that always felt like a hacky work-around and as for the second issue: I've had interest disabled site wide ever since and not sure if it's okay to re-enable it or not. 

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Hello, I've been trying to figure out how to put a clickable URL into the message members get after they purchase "Custom Code/Voucher"     from members shop. Currently it is written as  -   

You have redeemed the item<br>%s<br>Your code is<br><br><div class='ipsCode'>%s</div><br> If you have any problems then please reply to this PM

Can this be modified to be a clickable URL that is presented to them? THANK YOU!

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Hi @Adriano Faria,

Having trouble with how Points are shown when being used to purchase downloads and I cannot figure it out.  Basically by default, for any type of carousel widget it shows fine.  However in the Grid View, Table View, and on the Downloads page it just always defaults to free.  I did some test and simplified the CSS in the templates to the following

<span class="cFilePrice">
    {{if $file->isPaid()}}

In the Downloads>Front>Browse>IndexBlock theme this seems to handle the carousels and is working as intend.  The "price" for downloads show up as the points.

However when I add this to any other template it does not work. I boiled it down to the fact that the when the system is not recognizing the file as paid and going straight to the "ELSE" clause marking it as FREE.  When I changed the if statement to say {{if !$file->isPaid()}} nothing shows up at all.  I honestly am at my wits end and cannot figure this out as it is weird.  So seeing if you can help.

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Are you having any issues with the app itself? Is there anything not working? Copied from a MS template:

{{if !$file->isPaid() AND $file->ms_points AND $member->member_id != $file->submitter}} {$file->ms_points} {$pointsName}{{endif}}

Anything different that's what is there, is customization, and not supported.

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