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Google Map API

Florent Cadet

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Is someone able to use enhanced feature Google Map?

I only get this message: "invalid api key"

The key is correct because I use it for a custom page I created myself using the same domain (Google Maps Javascript API Key)

I use HTTP referrers to protect my key, domain is correct

I would be very graceful to the one can help me.

Thank you.

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  • 4 months later...

yes I ran in circles last night for three hours trying to set it up for use on my board...

still trying to get it to work and I am lost

So I went to Google...

I created a project and named it my website name


then I enabled every single google option I found

all of these...

Android Device Verification
— — — — —  
Android Management API
— — — — —  
Google Cloud Key Management Service (KMS) API
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Google Maps Android API
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Google Maps Directions API
— — — — —  
Google Maps Distance Matrix API
— — — — —  
Google Maps Elevation API
— — — — —  
Google Maps Embed API
— — — — —  
Google Maps Geocoding API
— — — 49 ms 65 ms  
Google Maps Geolocation API
— — — — —  
Google Maps JavaScript API
— — — — —  
Google Maps Roads API
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Google Maps SDK for iOS
— — — — —  
Google Maps Time Zone API
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Google Places API for Android
— — — — —  
Google Places API for iOS
— — — — —  
Google Places API Web Service
— — — — —  
Google Static Maps API
— — — — —  
Google Street View Image API
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I only want to be able to imbed a google map when showing Jeep trails and locations across the US...

Figured it would be simple.

then I got an API key


when I enter it on my IBP side in admin cp I get this

That API key is not valid or does not have the Google Maps JavaScript API and/or Google Static Maps API enabled and/or Google Maps Geocoding API enabled. Make sure you have followed all of the steps in the setup instructions. You may have to wait a few minutes after enabling the API for it to take effect.

I set them up last night and it now has been approx 20 hours since...

What am I missing.

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