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Support for YouTube live stream embed


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It's currently not possible auto-embed a YouTube live channel into a post.  The editor returns the error: Could not embed because there is no video at this location. 
Embedding the current live stream is possible, but the url changes after each stream.  Making all possible embedding of a live stream impermanent.  This can amount to quite the pain depending on how often the live stream is used.

The current method for permanently embedding a YouTube live channel, rather than a specific video (the url of which will change after each live stream) is described neatly here:
As is some suggested php to get the current live chat (the url of which also changes with each live stream, also making it an impermanent embed only).

The ability to embed a YouTube live channel would be useful for anything from gaming to conference calling.  
And not having to change the link after each stream in order to do so would be wonderful, but having a permanently embeddable live chat would be the piece de resistance :)

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