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moving hosts and everything is broken


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I've now got my website running on my dedi so i downloaded everything from my old host and yes i took a dump of the DB and thats all running fine.

Ive uploaded everything and it was going fine until i decided i wanted to put my forum in a subdirectory called /forum, 90% of the stuff works just some places where i need to update images called through CSS BUT ive found a MAJOR buggg and have no idea how to fix it. When i go to hit forums on my website it takes me to /forum/forums and no surpise it dont work.


my Base_URL is http://taskforce72.co.uk/forum in my conf_global.php


if anyone has had this or knows how to fix it that would be much appricated !

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8 minutes ago, mackenzieexD said:

I've now got my website running on my dedi so i downloaded everything from my old host and yes i took a dump of the DB and thats all running fine.

Ive uploaded everything and it was going fine until i decided i wanted to put my forum in a subdirectory called /forum, 90% of the stuff works just some places where i need to update images called through CSS BUT ive found a MAJOR buggg and have no idea how to fix it. When i go to hit forums on my website it takes me to /forum/forums and no surpise it dont work.


my Base_URL is http://taskforce72.co.uk/forum in my conf_global.php


if anyone has had this or knows how to fix it that would be much appricated !

can ask silly question why have got subfolder called forum i see when use http://taskforce72.co.uk/ hit page that must not pages but using html then go to portal looks little like pages but on issue loading do you have .htaccress file uploaded as see have FURL turn on and not just forums sutie not working seem all app not loading so going with htaccress issue.

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for some reason that link i sent was kinda messed up try this one http://taskforce72.co.uk/

2 seconds geting a copy of the .ht now

as far as i know its the default .htaccess ive not touched this


<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
Options -MultiViews
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule \.(js|css|jpeg|jpg|gif|png|ico|map)(\?|$) /404error.php [L,NC]

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]


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